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Jimin woke up early to prepare some food he could bring on his getaway with Eunwoo. He wouldn't exactly call it a date because that's not how Eunwoo propositioned it, although he'd be lying if he says that he isn't aware of how the other thinks of him.

He chose to wear a fluffy sweater paw underneath the thick coat and covered his neck with a scarf and his head with a beanie. It's the fall season now and the air is starting to be chilly so he made sure that he is dressed appropriately, otherwise he'll end up having a cold. A few minutes more and he is heading out with Eunwoo on their way to their destination.

They arrived at Bukhansan Mountain provided that they aren't really an athlete and is contented to just enjoy nature with a basic course of walking uphill, no intention of going to the highest peak at all, rather, they simply wanted the privacy they can get while enjoying the marvelous view.

"Ah, we made it! I think it's beautiful here, or do you want to go higher?" Eunwoo asked Jimin when they paused to take a break.

Jimin observed the surroundings and agreed that the spot is solemn enough so they placed their mat along with their basket of food to make themselves comfortable.

Jimin's immediate instinct is to lay flat on his back to stretch his arms and legs which Eunwoo found to be adorable. Frankly, Jimin could be doing absolutely nothing and he will still be fond of him. The shorter man groaned slightly, his eyes turning into soft crinkles that make him look at least five years of his real age.

They feasted on the food that they brought with them which was a combination of home-cooked meals and takeaways. It was a serene morning with birds chirping in the background to complete the wonderful scenery.

"This is exactly the kind of break that I need. Thank you for coming with me, Jimin."

"I love it here. Thanks for inviting me."

Eunwoo gave a coy smile that would certainly make people lose their minds. He's impossibly handsome, it's one thing that he wouldn't deny.

"If you have a special power what would it be?"

The question caught Jimin by surprise at first but he answered nonetheless.

"Hmm. . . I want to be able to teleport and go to places, or maybe fly. Yeah. I wanna fly too."

"Flying will look good on you."

"What made you say that?" Jimin chuckled.

"Because you look like a fairy."


Really smooth.

"Is that a compliment?" Jimin followed up but the blush is already obvious on his cheeks.

"Of course it is! Fairies are beautiful and magical, so are you."

"Oh, shut up."

"I won't."

It's been a while since Jimin flirted with someone else other than Taehyung. It instantly hit him how rusty he has been and how terrible he is now at receiving compliments. Eunwoo didn't even say much but he can already feel his cheeks heating up. He wondered, how would he see Eunwoo if he met him first before Taehyung. He seriously thought of the possibility, something that hasn't occurred to Jimin for the past years.

"How about you? What superpower would you want to have?" This time it was Jimin's turn to ask.

"I want to be able to control the time."


Eunwoo paused for a second and breathed deep. The gesture was obvious before he turned his head from looking at the sky to meet Jimin's eyes.

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