Four, Logan

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3 Years Ago


I was in the hospital for a total of 5 days, they wanted to make sure nothing else internally was wrong. Thankfully there wasn't. This entire situation has been scary and stressful and I never thought I would be the one that would have to have someone taking care of me. Yet here I am in Conner's apartment, on his couch, waiting for him to get back from Marcus' house with all of my belongings. Hoping that he was even coming back with all of them since Marcus is the one that had to pack everything up.

My wrist was sprained from the accident along with my ankle, I also fractured a few ribs which made moving difficult because of that pain. Reminder never hurt another rib, like ever. Conner was a blessing though, he was an RN as well so he knew exactly what to do when it came to me, my stubbornness, and my injuries. My parents didn't stay long, just long enough to make sure I was okay, and they tried getting me to move back home since my relationship was apparently a bust. I refused politely; this was my home. When Conner suggested I move in with him for a while I jumped at that, well because we had been roommates before I moved in with Marcus. The biggest difference now being that Conner had a one bedroom instead of a two so I'd need to find my own place and soon.

"Girl! I HATE THAT MAN!" Conner yelled bursting through the door, as much as it hurt to laugh, I let a small one loose. "Seriously sorry for making you laugh and all but, fuck him."

"What happened Conner?"

"What didn't happen is a better question. That asshole had another woman there with him ALREADY and he's just a douche nozzle. I mean you knew that already but seriously times that by like a million." He plopped down next to me. "Seriously the man couldn't have been bothered to help me get your stuff into my car, which by the way you have too much shit. On top of that he wouldn't even look at me let alone answer my questions. He couldn't seriously take care of you but wanted to spend y'all lives together. What a joke." He scuffed. "Like what happened to in sickness and in health? No, he just wanted a sex slave!"

"CONNER!" I yelled laughing.

"Sorry ranting."

"Oh, I know love, trust me I understand everything you're saying. I don't even remember how he and I got together. Like I can't remember when I fell for him. Or thought I fell for him because obviously that couldn't have been the case, right?" He pulled me into his arms.

"Nope, you definitely were not in love with that piece of monkey shit." I giggled. "Was he like super obsessed with himself? There were mirrors everywhere in that place."

"Probably, apparently I saw past all the shitty and just went with...well I don't even fucking know what I went with. From now on I'm done with guys though. I've got you; I don't need anyone else. Plus, I have my career to focus on. Those kids are now my life."

"Psh we don't need men! Single for life!" We high fived and I winced at the slight pain that went through my ribs caused by the movement.


"Oh my god, girl I'm sorry!" I giggled again wincing.

"Stop!" We both were in laughing fits, his way worse than mine for obvious reasons.

The next few weeks were smooth as all hell, living with Conner was normal for us. We worked around one another easily, and I was fully healed finally. I went back to work a few days ago for short shifts and tomorrow was my first full shift since the accident and I couldn't wait to get back to that normal. Conner plopped down next to me with ice cream.

"So, obviously I love you living here with me and all but, you need your own space. I mean you can't just hang out and be a couch dweller. So, I worked my magic and turns out...the apartment next door is going up for rent in three days. I put your name in to see it. It's the exact same as this place so obvs you'll love it." He shrugged his shoulders. I was staring at him wide eyed before jumping on top of him with a huge bear hug.

"I LOVE YOU!" I laughed.

"I guess I did good?"

"You did amazing! Seriously, a place right next to you! That's second best to living with you!"

"Yea and maybe one of us will at least get laid periodically." He shrugged, I laughed and smacked his chest.

"Seriously, Conner thank you so much for all of this."

"Bitch please."

"I'm serious. I couldn't have come this far without you."

"Girl are you kidding me? You are the strongest, baddest bitch I've ever known. You would have gotten through the accident and break up without me. I just made it a little easier." He rolled his eyes.

"No, you made it possible for me to move forward. I'm not going to be taken advantage of ever again. You help me build up this wall I have towards guys."

"Psh and they have to go through me to ask you out. Whoop I get to screen hotties!"

"Shut up." I laughed and sat back on the couch taking the ice cream from him.

He will always be my best friend, but these past few weeks made me appreciate him even more than I have ever before. He's been my rock through all of this, and even though it doesn't seem like a lot, it was a lot all at once.

I've had so many full-on ugly cry break downs over Marcus, and Conner was right there to help me through it. Never once has he told me to just get over it and move on. No, he helped me to pick up all of my broken pieces and realize that I was too good for a man that couldn't handle me at my worst. As I look back on the relationship itself, I realized that I never once wasn't dressed up for him. I always had makeup on. Never woke up and just bummed it around him. A relationship is about loving someone at their worst and their best. Not just their best and expecting them to be that person all of the time.

I started to realize all the red flags now, like when my mother was going through stuff back at home and I just wanted to be there for her but couldn't. Not once did Marcus come through and say anything I needed to hear like 'Go home for a few days, go see your family.' No, it was always. 'She's good, don't worry about it so much.' If a guy can't respect my family enough to want to make sure everything is alright then why should I have been planning a life with him to begin with!

Love sick puppy...that's all I was. I enjoyed him for who I thought he was, obviously not who he really was. Conner made me see all of this in the light, so I have to thank him so much more than he even realizes, and now even more that he continues to be my rock and help me push through and get a place of my own. Being right next door is just a massive plus for both of us.

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