"Well, this should be fun," I told them both before deciding to walk away. The boys were hovering over the snack table and I quickly made my way over.

"Are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost," Luke spoke with a laugh as he looked down at me—I had stepped directly beside him. I looked up at him and he suddenly looked more concerned; I supposed I wasn't good at hiding how I was feeling, so I quickly looked away.

"I'm great," I answered with a forced smile. "Did you guys hear the change in plan?"

"They just told us," Ashton whined, which caused me to laugh a little. "At least you're still doing it with us. If it was just us and the Pete fella, I think I'd start a fight."

"It's Pat," Michael corrected. "I know you don't like him, but don't mess it up while we're filming, okay? Don't look like a jackass." Ashton sent Michael a glare but simply got a shrug in response. "But we're genuinely very happy you'll be up there with us."

"I can't say I was prepared for it... but I guess it's fine," I said before letting out a quiet sigh. I felt someone's hand find the small of my back and I looked over to see Luke leaning closer to me.

"Is everything okay?" he whispered to me. I was surprised at how concerned he seemed and how well he was able to figure me out.

"Don't worry about it," I whispered back. I tried to send him an assuring smile, but I could tell he wasn't buying it. "This'll be fun!" I said as I started to step backward. I turned and made my way back to Tony and Pat, having another question. "Are we still playing truth or dare?" I asked them and they both nodded.

"And there's a limit on truths, Jo." Pat sent me that damned smile again and I nodded before turning around and walking over to the cameraman; Stevie.

"Hey," Stevie greeted me with a smile.

"Hi," I said, sending him a quick smile. Stevie was one of the best crew members we had and I loved talking to him, but I was currently using his vicinity as a hideout.

"Everything okay?" he asked, laughing to himself as he messed around with the camera angle.

"I'm just having one of those mornings, you know?"

"You don't even have to explain... I know," Stevie said and I flashed him a smile. "Just need a place to breathe?"

"Is that okay?" I asked him and he nodded as he smiled sweetly.

"Just don't touch anything and you're welcome anytime."

"Okay! Let's get everyone on set!" I quietly groaned as Tony ruined my short time of quiet, and I flashed Stevie a forced smile before walking away, which I heard him laugh at. I made it there before the boys and waited patiently for direction. "So, Josie's gonna be here," Tony spoke as she motioned for me to sit down in the middle of the couch.

The setup was a little different and a little busier—there was one long couch and two armchairs opposite Pat's usual chair.

"Michael, I'd like you here..." Tony placed Michael in the chair closest to Pat, and I was glad that she hadn't placed Ashton there. Instead, she placed Ashton the furthest away from Pat. Leaving me sitting between Luke and Calum.

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