Not an update.. again

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It's been a while. If you're seeing this and you've read the story... respect❤️. I liked this story in the beginning and I was really excited to start a story, however I didn't really think anyone was gonna read it😀. I don't really think I'm going to continue this story or any other stories. I was actually really looking forward to finish this one and writing many more for you guys. You probably don't care. I'm not going to continue writing because my grammar isn't very good or anything like that and apparently this is a VERY crucial thing to have on Wattpad from what I've seen in my comments. I've always been insecure about that and everything and I shouldn't just stop writing because I'm bad at it but I really don't see myself getting any better. I have too much going on personally to be worried about something as minor as grammar on wattpad. So go ahead and attack me in the comments again for not using commas or whatever☺️✌🏽.

Bye my beautiful little nuggets. And really thank you if you are still reading❤️❤️. @shyann_menard   << that's my Instagram if you want to talk or anything quarantine is really boring me at this point😅. Okay byeeeee!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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