In the noon we started the decent, and after 2hrs of decent I stopped to take rest and I don't know how or when I went off for nap. When I woke up,almost 30minutes had passed. I searched around me but I couldn't see anyone. Again a tinkling sensation through spine went down,this time it was fear. I ran downhill but I couldn't see a person out there. The sun had already started setting . It was now a race between the sun setting down and me descenting and finding my way back . I started recollecting the path we came and just started going downstairs. The night had set in, it was cracking cold and I was hungry and thirsty. After 2 hrs of walk on the ruthless path, I saw some lights. But they started to become blurry. I was fainting. For all the efforts I made to reach the city and now my body was not supporting. I sat down there on the log wood ,which I guess was freshly cut down and it seemed to longe for the city too. I gathered all the strength from the farthest corners of my body and started taking strides towards the city lights. After about 20 minutes of walking in pain,hunger and unsaturable thirst,I made it to the city. Had I just entered the main lane,a giant blow came at me. There was a board which clearly stated that Rihaan you took the wrong path and now you have landed in some other city. But there was a relief that my phone had its network back. I went to nearby shop and ordered for 5L can of bisleri water. The owner gazed at me and as he didn't care he gave me the can. I started drinking the water and it looked as if the thirst won't quench. I drank almost 2 to 3L water. It felt as if somone put a new soul inside of me. I sat on the table in the hotel. I called Tanishka and told her that I am lost and I need someone to pick me up. She told me that all are worried about me and guide had been out searching for me. I hunged up the call. I presume she must have called the guide for after 5minutes later I got a call from our guide. He was angry but worried. We talked and I send him my location. I sat there in my own imaginary world,and there was my guide,the saviour who saved me. It took him an hour to reach me but I never believed that. Because for all I know I had just married Tanishka and that I was in dream for about 10 minutes only. I hugged him tight as fighter's wife hug her husband after her husband come back alive from a war. I had bought some packets from the hotel. We sat back in the car and drove towards the actual destination. But the road taken was different because there was one milestone which showed that I was droving  away from the destined city. So I asked my guide where he was taking me. And for the third time ,I got a chill in my spine, he gave a cunning smile and told me that he is taking me to a special place. I was shaking with fear and had someone seen my clothes,they might confused it with me coming straight down from swimming pool. I was perspiring, slowly the traffic on the road was getting thinner. The silence crippled me. I wanted to cry out loud. But my voice gutted. The car came to a stop. All my worst imagination and my creepy thoughts were going to be reality in fraction of time. Guide told me to get out of car,I was trying to move fast but my legs had their own plans. They slowed me down,so guide pulled me out.

Finally,the moment arrived. Night owls were witness of the events, the moon light was scarcely showing his face but of what part I saw made me more scared. The guide told me to put down my pants. I was so damn scared. Meri tashreef phat gai thi ,and that guy wanted to see that phati hui tashreef. My mind was blank,he couldn't differentiate what was wrong and what's right. The guide already made it clear that if I put down my pants he will take me to the guest house for sure. But how could I believe him,he betrayed the first time,what are the chances that he won't betray me now? I had so many doubts in my mind but I knew I can't start a battle in my mind or even can't ask anything. I tried to stall the guide with talking and acting nonsense,but I knew deep down that I won't make it. So after going crazy for almost 20 minutes I gave up, I started to pull down my pants. My hands were trembling and body started to shiver, not with cold but thinking that the guide is sadist. I couldn't resist but that thought was coming every now and then. By this time my pants were off and he glanced at me once and told to turn around. I turned around, and started chanting whatever god's name I could think of. But to my surprise he didn't do anything, he took a photo of mine .

One click and the show was over,I hurriedly took up my pants and went inside the car. He sat inside and driver drew the car towards the actual destination. There was shir silence in the car. My mind already started the war and I had already killed the guide 20 times in my war . But there was one question that didn't rest at all, what would guide want my pic? What would he do with it? The latter question I thought out loud and guide heard me. He grinned and show me bunch of rupees and I guess it roughly was 5k rupees. I asked him if he did it for money. Or who gave him money. He told me that he was given money to take the picture and to keep mouth shut. And if I won't keep mouth shut then he has many ways of keeping my mouth shut. I lost my nerve but I couldn't do anything so I started crying inside. Why would anyone want my nude pic? Who could it be? Why am I being targeted ? All sorts of questions battled inside my already heavy head. And I didn't knew when I got asleep. But when I woke up i was in the bed.

I recalled the whole event and I also noticed that I didn't slept during the down trek but someone offered me a drink and I guess it had sedatives inside it and that was the reason why I slept midway. I was shocked to know this but why would anyone had grudges for me? For I had been very sweet with others. Why would anyone target me? Why am I being victim of someone's playful trick? Why I had been the victim of such sexual prank? And I......

From the pattern of the pages, I would guess that Rihan was deeply affected by this and by the time he wrote this he must have became emotional and would have broken down into tears. I am no good in psychology but this the most convincing reason behind the incomplete sentence and the drop pattern on diary. But where were Aksh and Taniksha? Weren't they concerned about Rihan's story? Or were the one to do this all?

The Unresolved DilemmaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin