Chapter 7

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Yoongi's POV

"Aish," I whined at my head being nudged to the side waking me up. "Yah Jungkook. I was sleeping," I groaned at him hitting him on the arm.

He turned to me with a smirk on his face "Wasn't me Yoongi-hyung. Ask Mina." He turned back to Hoseok and continued their debate on who was the better hero, Anpanman or Naruto. I turned back to see Mina looking down at a bowl of punch while a boy stood there next to her eyeing her up and down.

It gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. I kept them in the corner of my eye and flinched when I saw Mina slouch over into his chest and get dragged away towards the stairs by the pull of his arm.

"Jungkook. Jungkook," I shook his arm until I got his attention.

"What?" he and Hoseok both looked at me until I pointed towards the stairs where Mina was struggling to get up and the boy dragged her up. "Do you know him?" They both shook their heads with worried eyes.

Before I knew it, I was sprinting up the stairs and scanning the hallways for them. I frantically knocked on every door listening in for sounds before opening it. My heart rate spiked thinking I would be too late and something might have happened to her. "Yah! Mina!" I knocked on the last door my heart pounding.

Wherever you are please be okay.

I opened the door to find her lying face flat on the bed with her feet hanging off of it. Luckily she still had her clothes on though her dress was a little ruffled to the point where her black shorts poked out. She rested her cheek on the mattress turned to me eyes only partially opened. "Who are you?" I turned to the boy standing a foot away from the bed.

He had a menacing look in his eye like he had no shame for what he was planning to do. "None of your business. Now leave," he nudged his head at my hand that was clenching the doorknob. I looked back at Mina who was now squirming turning over her body with her head moving from side to side.

"Mina, do you know him?"

She squinted and darted her eyes at me and then at me. She shook her head. "Don't be like that with me," the boy smirked before leaning over her.

Before I could pull him away and beat him to smithereens, his face flinched at the moment leg jerked up and her sneaker hit him in the nuts.

"What the hell?!" he dropped to the floor groaning while Mina still squirmed on the bed and looked at me.

"Yooonngiii," she held her arms out, "I'm hungrrryy." I stood there frozen at how weird the atmosphere was in this room. Mina single-handedly defeated this dude unintentionally and here she was whining to me about being hungry.

"Is she alright?" Jungkook and Hoseok came up the stairs and stood behind me panting heavily. I nudged my head towards the boy on the ground.

"You're coming with us," Jungkook muttered angrily and grabbed him by the arm. Hoseok followed him, dragged him out of the room, and made him go tumbling down the stairs.

I breathed out relieved that she was safe and walked towards her. She was grinning at me innocently, "Yoongi, what are you doing here?"

"Aish," I smiled at her and scratched the back of my head, "there's never a boring day with you." Suddenly I felt a tug on my arm and I ended up lying down on the bed, my back against the mattress, with her grinning next to me.

"What the heck are you doing?" I turned my head and muttered to her.

She looked at me her eyes curved and darted her eyes back to the ceiling, "Aren't the stars pretty Yoongi?" I looked to where her eyes pointed to see a white painted blank ceiling.

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