Chapter 2

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Mina's POV

It was lunchtime and I was starving. My dad was never one to cook so here I was eating the sandwich I made myself along with a bag of sliced up apples. Ji Ah was sitting across from me in the cafeteria with a bowl of rice and bulgogi in front of her talking with me about being new. I was listening for the most part but in all honesty, I was slightly distracted. In the corner of my eye, I saw Yeonjun sitting with a group of boys. They were all smiling and making jokes at times messing up each other's hair.

"Where did you say you were from?" Ji Ah asked me pointing her chopsticks at me.

I turned my head back to her "I'm from Seongnam City."

She turned her head towards where I was looking, "Ahhh," she laughed, "I see you're eyeing the famous Choi Yeonjun."

"Huh? Uh no, I'm not," I lied through my teeth still eyeing Yeonjun at the table.

"Oh please, he's the school heartthrob. A senior just like us. ASB president. Good at everything.  Fall in line and wait your turn. Every girl wants to be with him," she picked up a piece of meat, eyed it, and stuffed it in her mouth.

I sighed stuffing a piece of apple in my mouth, "Sounds good to me." Both of us laughed until in the corner of my eye I saw that boy Yoongi eating his lunch with six other boys at a table in the distance. I looked at Ji Ah and nudged my head towards them, "Who's the lizard thrower from class?"

She eyed them and turned back to me, "That's Min Yoongi. Same year as us. Sleeps a lot. Fights a lot. Never smiles. Hangs out in his little squad," she stared at her bowl, "that's pretty much it. Nothing much to him."

I hummed at her response not noticing her eyes drifting towards the ground, "Don't listen to Ae Ra. I love your shoes. They're really cool. Can you doodle on mine some time?" She smiled at me curling up her mouth and her eyes. Her smile was sincere like her heart. She wore a small clip in her hair and some natural makeup. Her cheeks were a rosy pink and her lips were a glossy peach. Girly but in a good authentic way.

"I know moving to a new school is scary but don't worry. Just don't get caught up in stuff and you'll be fine."

My eyes were now glued back on the table of seven boys, trying to remember that far off dream in my head. While I dazed off, Ji Ah reapplied light pink lip gloss on her lips before pointing the tube of gloss in my direction, "Want some?"

I shook my head, "No thanks. I don't really wear make unless I have to."

"True. You're pretty enough to not need it," she complimented me putting the tube back in her bag.

"Ji Ah. Don't," I laughed, "honestly. I'm kind of a tomboy at heart."

Our conversation was cut short at the sound of students silencing and a crash that was heard in the distance. A little freshman had tripped dropping his tray of food on the table where Yoongi and his friends were sitting at. The yogurt drink had spilled all over the table with some splattered on Yoongi's arm and a couple of the other boys' clothes.

Yoongi stormed up from the table grabbing the freshman by the collar with an annoyed look in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I'll play for c-cleaning your guys' clothes. P-Please don't hurt me," the little freshman pleaded. Before Yoongi could punch the kid, a tall lanky boy grabbed him by the shoulder and whispered something to him in his ear. He let go of the freshman and nudged his forehead telling the freshman to leave. Everyone went back to eating once the kid pushed his lunch money into Yoongi's chest and ran away though Yoongi didn't seem phased by the money and just gave it to the boy behind him.

"Those boys," Ji Ah sighed, "always causing a fuss. They're either making the school shake or are nowhere to be seen. They can never choose just one," she talked through her chewing.

I checked the time on my watch realizing I'd be late to meet the teacher to talk about being a transfer. "I gotta go Ji Ah. I'll see you later," I waved at her before throwing my trash away and running towards the classroom.

The hallways were one giant maze. The numbers on the doors weren't helping either for some odd reason. I groaned at the fact that I was lost until I noticed a figure walking towards me in the walkway.

"Oh hey Mina," it was Yeonjun walking towards me with a big smile plastered on his face, "how's your first day?" The sight of him gave me a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. He was practically glowing. "Mina?" he waved his hand in front of my face snapping me out of my trance.

"Ahh. Hi Yeonjun. It's been interesting," I laughed brushing a streak of hair behind my ear. Both of our eyes drifted down towards my feet when I realized there was a big scrape on my knee.

"Word gets around," he looked up to meet my eyes, "Don't let the girls bully you. They're just jealous of you." He playfully winked at me and I could practically hear my heart beating out of my chest.

"I'm assuming you're lost," he raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

"Ahhh," I scratched my head, "Ya. I can't find Mrs. Jung's room" I spoke with an embarrassed and flushed face.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and sighed, "Welp. We better get going shall we?" We both walked towards the classroom making small talk. Not only kind, but he was also charming in the way he spoke. Like an old friend, you've known for so long.

I was practically smiling and twirling at the fact that I was walking so close to him. I was probably going to dream about this moment tonight but then I groaned after remembering I had detention with the lizard thrower.

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