Chapter 8

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Mina's POV

A week had passed since that night even though I didn't remember much of it. I'm sure it was uneventful anyways. Every time I asked Ji Ah she just shrugged it off saying I wouldn't want to remember it. It was the last period of the day and I was practically exhausted.

Mr. Kim was explaining the upcoming project and I was writing down my notes concentrating on his words but in the corner of my eye, something distracted me. Next to me, Yoongi was fast asleep with his head resting in his arms. He was sleeping like a baby. For some reason, I was smiling unconsciously.

"The paper being passed out has the pairs for the projects. The project counts for 10% of your grade so I'd get started soon," the papers were being passed while Ji Ah gasped next to me.

"Hey! I got paired with Eunwoo," she lifted her bag off the ground to lay it on her lap digging through it till she pulled out a little pink bag. She puckered her lips after applying light pink almost transparent lip gloss, "Want some?" she said pointing the tube at me.

I shook my head, "I'm alright."

"Oh come ooonn!," she whined stuffing it in my hands, "Imagine if Yeonjun sees you all prettied up. He's gonna fall head over heels for you." I looked down at my hands holding the tube of lip gloss.

Ji Ah stared at me in my state of confusion, "What's wrong?"

I leaned forward whispering towards her ear so she could hear over the talking of the class, "I don't know how to apply it."

She sighed and looked away, "Aish." Then her hand grabbed the tube out of my hand and lifted it up, "Okay. First, you use the wand to apply it on your bottom lip. Then you pucker your lips together like this." She made a sound with her lips before handing me back the tube.

After stuffing the tube in my bag I looked at my paper realizing who my partner was. The bell rang and Ji Ah got up from her seat, "I'll see you later Mina."

I looked over to my left to find Yoongi still sleeping. "Yah. Yoongi," I said throwing a crumpled ball of paper at him. He didn't budge even by the time the classroom was empty. I sighed getting up from my seat with a smirk on my face.

"SUGA WAKE UP!" I yelled shaking his shoulders from behind him.

"AAAAAH. AAAAHH. W-What?!" he jumped looking around the room with squinted eyes. I couldn't help from laughing clenching my stomach in the process.

"Yah," he said in a monotone after turning around to find me in my laughing fit, "I was having a nice nap. Stop doing that to me."

"Ya but we've got a project to do."

"What project?" I groaned at his question and hit him on his arm.

"Aigoo. Don't you ever listen in class?"

He ran his hands through his hair "When I feel like it."

I sighed and crossed my arms "Can we do it at your house? I'm not really allowed to have boys over even if it's you probably not."

"Sure I guess. Come on," he grabbed his bag and we walked out of the school together.


The walk to his house was nice. It was quiet and peaceful with our conversation the only thing filling the silent air.

"The only thing I'd ever worn was sneakers so at the dance I kept tripping and stepping on his feet. Poor guy, I'm pretty sure he lost a toe that night," my hand scratched the back of my head at the thought of that night. My date went home that night with tears in his eyes and a limp.

Yoongi was covering his smile with the back of his hand keeping his laugh in. "Yah. Why don't you try wearing heels for once? You'll see... So what's your most embarrassing middle school story?" I leaned towards him.

He only gave a hum back. I sighed and shook his arm, "Come on. I told you mine. And I wasn't there for your middle school years. I couldn't see little Yoongi hilariously go through puberty."

He looked back at me giving me one of his small gummy smiles, "There was this one time these kids yanked my pants down in front of all the girls." I gasped not knowing whether to laugh or pout. "And I was wearing my Iron Man boxers too," he continued putting his head down.

"Y-Yoongi...," I suppressed my laughter and patted his back, "It's okay. I'm sure they were adorable" letting out a little laugh after that.

He lifted his head giving a side-eye view towards me. "I wish I was there so I could beat up those guys," I said.

He lifted my arm by my wrist and dropped it mid-air, "You definitely would have lost with these stick arms."

"Well, I would have been by your side either way. I hated leaving back then," I started fiddling with my thumbs remembering the night I left him. We were little but that didn't lessen our friendship in any way. I wanted to stay. I wanted him by my side. He was the only person who wouldn't judge by how I dressed or how I didn't play with dolls. I mean he did tease me but I always teased back.

"Me too. No one played cards with me after that," his eyes started to drift off towards the clear blue sky.

"Yoongi," he turned his head towards me at the call of his name, "do you remember the night when I-AAAHH"

In the middle of my sentence, my body was flung on the ground after tripping on a raised root in the sidewalk cement.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow," I groaned sprawled on the ground with Yoongi standing over me.

"Why are you always tripping?" Yoongi let out a soft smirk and a laugh while bent over lending his arm towards me which I accepted. I patted down my skirt and took a step only to wince from the pain.

"Can you walk?" he eyed me up and down before sighing and turning his back towards me, "Get on."

"H-Huh?" I looked down at the floor focusing on the fact that I was wearing a skirt. "Don't get the wrong idea," I muttered before getting on his back.

"You're so heavy" he groaned starting to walk forward. "Why am I always carrying you?" he muttered under his breath though it didn't make sense to me. I just hmphed and squished my shoulder into the crook of his neck. I got lost from his breathing pattern and the soft feeling of his shirt. He smelled nice. Like something sweet and familiar. Maybe Vanilla? Mint?

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