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It only took around 15 minutes for Brandon to get what they needed. He hacked into the security cameras and loaded up the building map. From there they were able to locate which room Gage was in.
"Found him" Branodon chimed, the others were at his side immediately.
"Ok so what's the plan. Cause the sooner we get out of here the better" Wyatt motioned to the door. The boy genius let out a sigh and leaned back the chair.
"Unfortunately it's not that simple Wyatt, there are a few... complications"

Debbie squeezed past the other two and looked Brandon in the eyes.
"What kind of complications" her voice was firm and strict. The blonde leaned forward and pointed back to the computer with his thumb, a deadpanned expression crossed his face.
"These halls are heavily guarded, we'll need a diversion in order to get there. Rhett and I can handle that since he's good at being distracting" Rhett gasped offendedly at Brandon's shade.
The blue driver continued.
"You and Wyatt should be able to get in, get Gage, and get out no problem since you're built like a tank and Wyatt's... Wyatt. But that does mean you'll have to meet us outside" Wyatt choked slightly.
"Excuse me... what, you mean Debs and I have to navigate this hell hole by ourselves. What do you take me for... Albert Einstein" Wyatt received a large eye roll.
"Yeah you do, Rhett and I will have to leave right away. It's kind of hard to wait up when you've got bullets flying at you"

Wyatt groaned and ran his fingers through the tail ends of his hair. Debbie received a printed map with crudely drawn directional lines and the vile of antidote. She walked over and placed a hand on Wyatt's shoulder with a warm smile.
"Ok, let's go"


She couldn't stop pacing, she paced back and forth over and over again leaving a small path of patted down carpet in her wake.
Her parents hadn't spoken since last night and all Turtle did was lay on Gage's bed whining and yipping in his sleep. The house was a mess. She stopped dead in her tracks and inhaled deeply.

"Fuck it" she stepped over and flung open her closet. From it she extracted a plain white tank top, a deep violet jacket, black leggings and her grayish-purple converse shoes. She ventured to the bathroom after changing and pulled her hair back into a ponytail careful not to tangle her bangs.

Naomi skipped down the hall once more and stopped at her brothers door. Opening it slightly she popped her head in and gazed at the large German shepherd laying on the bed, his ears flat against his bed.
"Hey buddy. You wanna go for a bike ride" she spoke softly and approached slowly. Placing a hand on the dogs back and stroking it to the rythm of his breathing.
He merely whimpered in reply.
"I miss him too buddy"
Gage and Turtle were always close, from the day they got him the dog had rarely ever left the boys side. Obsidian had tranquilized the dog and shut him in their parents room, he wasn't harmed but the memory of finding the limp dog made her blood boil.

She took a deep breathe.

"Turtle... do you want to help me find Gage"

The dog shot his head up upon hearing the name. Within seconds he had leapt off the bed and was bounding downstairs. She laughed and skipped after him.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs she hopped towards the garage door and grabbed the dog leash.
"Mom, I'm going for a bike ride with Turtle. I'll be back by dinner"

"Be careful okay sweetheart" her heart broke at how distant she sounded.
"I will" she entered the garage and shut the door behind her. Unhooking her bike from the wall she fastened the leash to the handlebars and put on her helmet.
"Ok, let's go"


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck"

"Wyatt will you shut up, you'll attract more"

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