Shits about to go down

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"Mom, would you be so kind as to release me from a loving death"
She pulled back and stared her son in the eyes. Her usually calming blue eyes had turned cold, she ran a hand through her cream blonde hair.
"Brandon, sweetheart" he looked at her.
"Yes," she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
"Please just let me hug you, and you try not to be some antisocial cynic for 5 minutes ok" he shrugged, his mother groaned. Rhett laughed as his mother squeezed and kissed him, her messy hair getting in his face.
"oh sweetie I was so worried" she squeezed harder, Rhett was unfazed by the pressure.
"I love you too mom" Wyatt and Gage stood talking while they waited. Several kids were being herded onto the buses while news reporters interviewed a few of the staff. 
"I still say you took a big risk there man" He turned to his southern friend. 
"What do you mean" Wyatt removed his hat and ran a hand to the back of his head. 
"you almost got yourself killed man, the minute they came to get us Rhett was freaking out. I mean I get that our job is to protect people but you take it to far sometimes" Gage shrugged. 
"Wyatt what kind of hero would I be if I just let him die, we promised Larry we would protect the people of this city. On the road or off" The younger shook his head. 
"Gage I swear you're the most saintly person I've ever met" The Latino laughed, crossing his arms he threw Wyatt a charming smile. 
"Well if I die a saint then I don't mind" Their conversation was cut short when a gray KIA-soul pulled into the school parking lot. Gage's posture sagged, an expression of
'oh, shit help me' and 'well I guess I'm gonna die today' crossed his face. 
"Wyatt" The southerner had a similar expression. 
"Yeah bud"
"please try and distract me from my imminent death please"
The boy in yellow smiled.
"at least you'll die a saint"
"Fuck you"

sorry, it's so short I'm going through some sort of fucking writer's block where I either can't write or if I do I hate it, then scrap it. there will be more soon tho promise

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