Chapter 2

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Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen

Pour myself a cup of ambition

Yawn and stretch and try to come to life.

~ Dolly Parton "9 to 5"

The sun hadn't quite risen when Brooklyn woke up for school on Monday. It was the first day of school, and Brooklyn was less than enthused about it. Sure, she would be able to see all of her friends throughout the day, but school always came with the added pressures of her advanced classes and extracurricular activities. And she couldn't even smoke with Seth to de-stress because the varsity soccer team had random mandatory drug tests throughout the season.

Brooklyn sighed and got out of bed. She stumbled over to her dresser and pulled out some fresh clothes. Once she was dressed, she went to the mirror and ran a brush through her hair a few times, and then put on a couple coats of mascara. Brooklyn glanced at the clock to make sure she had time to eat, and then she went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

She entered the kitchen to see her brother sitting at the table devouring a box of cereal. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and decided to get toast. She and Paul hadn't been on the best of terms lately. Ever since the night of the party that she had gone to with Seth last week, he had been acting really weird. His usually short hair was even shorter, his already buff physique had become even more buff, and he had a brand new tribal tattoo. Not to mention he had begun spending most of his time with Sam Uley.

Brooklyn didn't like Sam Uley. Growing up with Seth as a best friend meant that she had spent a lot of time at his house, and subsequently, she had developed a relationship akin to friendship with Seth's sister, Leah Clearwater. Leah and Sam had dated for about three years before, out of nowhere, he cut off all his hair, got a tattoo, and began dating her cousin. Sure Brooklyn and Leah weren't really close, but she was Seth's family, and Sam Uley had destroyed Leah's self-esteem and caused her to develop some serious trust issues. So, yeah, Brooklyn was definitely not a fan of Sam Uley.

Brooklyn was snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of her toast popping out of the toaster. She quickly buttered her toast and grabbed her bag. She finished eating as she walked to school. Normally, Paul would have driven her, but since he graduated and started acting like a total dick, she hadn't really wanted to be stuck in a car with him for the few minutes it would take for them to arrive at the school.

As Brooklyn approached the entrance to La Push High School, she scanned the crowd for familiar faces. Not seeing any, she sighed and continued on to look for her homeroom, so that she could receive her schedule for the year.

"Hey! Lil' Fish! Brooke!"

She turned to greet whoever was shouting at her, and came face-to-face with Shawn.

"Oh. Hi, Shawn."

"I remembered this time," he grinned.

"What?" she asked confusedly.

"Your last name. It's Fisher, not Lahote."

"Right," she laughed in response. "It only took you three and a half years of knowing me for you to remember."

Shawn smirked and said "So I heard your brother started roiding it up with Sam Uley. Some of the guys were saying that he won't hang out with them anymore. I guess that makes me a trendsetter— because he stopped talking to me way before that."

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