Chapter 19

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I've never been so close to anything so beautiful

~ Tom Odell "Sparrow"

It had been about a month since Brooklyn had found out about the pack, and Brooklyn was now nine weeks along in her pregnancy. She was about a month away from being done with her first trimester, and she couldn't wait for it to be over— her morning sickness was driving her crazy. While not everything actually made her puke, there were tons of things that made her feel nauseous. Not to mention, the nausea persisted throughout the day, so it didn't really make sense to call it morning sickness. She was just totally over the whole thing.

Right now, she was at Sam Uley's house. Everyone was there, including Jake's friend Bella Swan.

"The leech problem is getting worse," Paul said. "Have you guys seen the news lately? It's all about missing people and animal attacks."

Bella gave him an offended look at the mention of the word "leech." It kind of annoyed Brooklyn that Bella was so defensive about vampires— like sure her boyfriend was one, but Bella seemed to be defensive on behalf of the ones who were killing people. Brooklyn recognized that Bella wasn't the only biased one though— Brooklyn's boyfriend and brother were both shifters who had been telling her how dangerous vampires were. But Bella was taking it to a whole other level— Brooklyn wouldn't be surprised if Bella eventually ended up becoming a vampire herself.

"We're probably gonna get more pack members if this keeps up," Jared spoke.

"I'm not sure I can deal with any more teenage boys," Leah said snarkily. "At least not with my sanity in tact."

Brooklyn felt really bad for Leah. She couldn't imagine how saddening it must be to be in Leah's situation.

"Hey, I know I'm not a wolf, but at least I'm not a teenage boy," Brooklyn said with a smile. "I can try my best to keep you sane."

Leah cracked a smile. While they had never been super close, Leah and Brooklyn had always been on good terms.

Brooklyn felt a hand grab her own, and she turned to face Seth with a smile.

"We should go before we're late," he said. Brooklyn had completely lost track of time— she blames it on pregnancy brain making her spacey.

Today, Brooklyn had her second trimester check-up. This was the first appointment that Seth would get to go to— this was only her second appointment though, so it wasn't as if he had missed much. Plus, she was supposed to have one appointment a month until she was like seven months pregnant— from there the appointments would only become more frequent.

Seth had recently gotten his license— recent meaning last week— and technically he wasn't supposed to be driving her around until he had his license for six months, but they wanted to be able to go to the appointment by themselves. 

A few weeks ago, they told Brooklyn's mom that Seth was the father. She was angry that they had been lying for so long, but she was glad that Seth was committed to Brooklyn and their baby. After a long talk, they had set some ground rules for how they could proceed in their relationship. For example, Seth was allowed to spend the night, but only on the weekends— they were already having a baby, so Brooklyn's mom thought it didn't really make sense to keep them apart, and Seth wanted to be there for as much as possible. They were going to renegotiate some of the rules once the baby was born.

Since Brooklyn's OB/GYN doctor was in Forks, and she had liked Dr. Wilson too much to change doctors, they had gotten the treaty amended so that Seth could cross the territory line. It was kind of embarrassing to explain the situation to a bunch of vampires that she didn't know, but they were all really nice about it— especially Rosalie Cullen. 

Seth's fingers were tapping on the steering wheel. Brooklyn knew that he was nervous— she had been just as nervous before her first appointment.

"It's gonna be fine, Seth," she said softly.

"I know," he replied. "It's just that, this is the first time I'm gonna see our baby. And I know that it's not the same as actually meeting him or her, but it kinda feels like it."

Brooklyn thought it was sweet how much Seth cared. "You're gonna be a really good Dad."

They arrived at the Forks hospital, and made their way to the doctor's offices section of the hospital. Brooklyn checked in at the desk, and they waited to be called into the exam room.

"Brooklyn Fisher?" a nurse called out. "Follow me."

Brooklyn and Seth walked hand-in-hand to the exam room.

"The doctor will be here in a few minutes. Feel free to take a seat on the exam table," the nurse said politely, and then she left.

Brooklyn sat on the exam table while Seth sat by her side, their hands were still intertwined. A few minutes later, Dr. Wilson entered the room.

"Hello, Brooklyn," she greeted. "It's good to see you again."

"Hi, Dr. Wilson," Brooklyn smiled. "This is Seth— he's the father."

Seth smiled and politely waved.

Dr. Wilson proceeded to ask Brooklyn a bunch of questions, and do some routine tests, and then she began to do the ultrasound. The air filled with the same whoosh-ing sound as last time, and then, there it was— their baby. It had grown significantly since last time, and Brooklyn was amazed to see that it was looking less blob-y and more like a baby. She looked at Seth to gauge his reaction. He had tears in his eyes. Neither of them said anything.

"The baby is the perfect size for how far along you are," Dr. Wilson said. "And the heartbeat is strong. It's still too soon to see the sex of the baby, so I can't tell you that today."

After the appointment, Seth and Brooklyn sat in the car with copies of the ultrasound in their hands.

"Thank you," Seth said.

"For what?" Brooklyn asked.

"For carrying our baby. I've never seen anything so beautiful before," Seth said. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Brooklyn replied with a smile. She knew that no matter how tough it was going to be, experiencing parenthood with Seth was going to be worth it.

"But you have got to tell Sue," Brooklyn said. They had discussed it a lot, and Seth kept saying that he wanted to tell her alone, and that he was waiting for the right time, but Sue had yet to find out.

"I know," Seth groaned. He started the car, and they began driving back to La Push. "I've been putting it off because I know how mad she's gonna be, but after seeing our baby on that screen today... I want everyone to see the beautiful thing that we made. Even my mom. I'm gonna tell her today."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Brooklyn asked. "I love you more than I'm scared of your mom being mad."

Seth laughed. "No, I have to face her on my own. This is my responsibility."

There was a pause.

"Why am I more scared of my own mom than I am of vampires?" Seth mused.

"Because you don't care about vampires the way you care about your mom," Brooklyn tells him. "You're allowed to be scared. This is scary. But you have to know that no matter how angry Sue is, she's still gonna love you. No matter what. That's what moms do."

"I'm so lucky you're my imprint," Seth grinned.

"I think I'm definitely the luckier one here," Brooklyn responded.

"That's not possible," Seth bantered.

"It's possible, and it's true," Brooklyn replied.

"Okay, fine. Then we're tied in luck," Seth compromised.

"I can live with that," Brooklyn agreed.

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