Chapter 30

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Oh what else can I do?

I'm with you

~ Grouplove "I'm With You"

"Please don't tell my dad," Brooklyn said to Kathy. 

"Sweetie, he's your father," Kathy responded. "I know that both he and I haven't been the most supportive, and we've all said a lot of things that we probably shouldn't have, but he loves you. Please give him the chance to make it up to you by letting him be there for you."

Brooklyn gave her a skeptical look.

"I'll think about it," Brooklyn said. "But I really need to call my mom. If it's labor, which I'm still not totally convinced that it is, then maybe she could still make it in time to be in the delivery room with me."

Brooklyn walked back to the bedroom to grab her phone. Seth was still asleep. She knew that he would want to know that she was having contractions, but they were still about thirty minutes apart, and her water hadn't broken. From what her doctor had told her at her last appointment, it would be hours until her water broke. So, she figured she would just let him sleep for a while longer, and try not to freak out too much in the mean time.

Besides, if she woke Seth up now, he would hover and worry about everything, and while she genuinely appreciated how much he cared about her, it could be a little overwhelming sometimes. 

She left the room so that her phone call wouldn't wake Seth up. Brooklyn's mom was excited to hear the news of her daughter's probable labor, and she said that she would make arrangements for later that evening after her shift ended to fly out, hopefully in time to meet Brooklyn in the delivery room. Brooklyn was a little disappointed that her mom wasn't getting on the first possible plane, but she understood that her mom had to work.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Brooklyn felt another contraction. She sighed. Brooklyn knew that her contractions would only get worse as time went on, and she was trying not to think about how much it would hurt later that day once active labor started. 

It was almost noon by the time Seth woke up.

"Hey," he yawned as he emerged from the bedroom. He was dressed in a loose pair of pajama pants. Brooklyn was sitting on the couch watching TV with her half-sisters.

"Hey," she smiled. "You might want to put on a shirt before my dad sees you and makes a big deal out of it."

Admittedly, Seth looked good without a shirt. He was really toned, especially for a teenager, and his lack of shirt showed off his tattoo— which Brooklyn's dad didn't know about. If her dad saw his tattoo, he would surely give Seth a harder time than he already had been. And that was something that Brooklyn didn't want to deal with right now.

Seth left for a few moments, and returned wearing a gray tee shirt. 

"Are we still leaving today?" he asked. Brooklyn had been pretty mad last night, and their plan was to leave as soon as possible once they woke up.

"I don't think so," Brooklyn said. "I'm pretty sure I've been having contractions, and I don't want to risk it."

"What?" Seth asked, panicked. "Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital or something? Did you call your mom? Should I call your mom? Am I supposed to call my mom?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she told him. "We aren't supposed to go to the hospital until my water breaks and my contractions are closer together, and my mom is going to fly out when she leaves work. And I have no idea about that last one. I think it's up to you."

Brooklyn had had a few hours to get over the initial panic of being in labor, so she was a lot calmer than Seth was at the moment. She would probably resume panicking once things got more urgent, and it was time to deliver the baby. She was mostly concerned about the fact that her doctor was in Forks, and she was about a thousand miles away, but Kathy had called the doctor that she had used when she had her kids, and they had worked something out. All in all, Brooklyn was taking this whole thing pretty well.

"Are you hungry?" Brooklyn asked. "I was just about to make lunch."

"I'm always hungry," Seth laughed. 

"That's very true," Brooklyn agreed as she got up, and walked to the kitchen. Seth followed closely behind her.

They looked at the things in the fridge and decided to make grilled cheese sandwiches. Brooklyn grabbed a skillet and began preparing the food.

"Ow," she said as another contraction hit her. 

"What's wrong?" Seth asked in a concerned tone. 

"Just a contraction," she said. "I'm alright."

"Maybe you should sit down," Seth told her as he grabbed the spatula from her hand. "I can take care of this."

"I can do it," Brooklyn insisted.

"I know you can," Seth replied. "But, you're literally having my baby right now. You've done enough for me. There is nothing that I can ever do that will express how grateful I am that you've changed your entire life for our family. Let me make you lunch, it's the least I can do."

"Alright," she said. "I love you."

"I love you too," he grinned as he placed a kiss on her lips. "Now go sit down. I got this."

She turned to leave the kitchen, but her dad was standing in the doorway of the kitchen. His arms were crossed, and he looked like he was deep in thought.

"Hey," Brooklyn said awkwardly.

"I'm sorry," Steven said. "For everything I said. It was wrong of me, and I shouldn't have tried to force my opinions on you. I really do want us to have a good relationship, and I guess I just have to get used to the fact that you're all grown up. You don't need me the way your sisters do, and I can't treat you like a kid anymore. You have a baby with a guy who obviously loves you a lot, and who you obviously love just as much. You don't need me anymore, but I hope that you'll keep me around for a while longer."

"Thank you for apologizing," Brooklyn said. "I'm willing to keep you around as long as you're willing to stick around. Alright?"

"Yeah," Steven said. He pulled his daughter into a hug. "I love you, kiddo."

"Love you too, Dad," she told him. 

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