Chapter 24

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All the lonely people

Where do they all come from?

All the lonely people

Where do they all belong?

~ The Beatles "Eleanor Rigby"

Seth was freaking out. Brooklyn had called him frantically telling him that she had just had a run in with a non-Cullen vampire at Bella's house. The two girls had entered the house, and heard something upstairs. The vampire, Riley Biers, had obviously wanted to lure them up there— he was messing with them. Luckily, the Cullens had caught the scent, and Edward was able to scare him off before any harm could be done to Brooklyn or Bella. The close call had him beyond terrified. If anything happened to Brooklyn or their baby, Seth would die. He wanted to tear that monster limb from limb for even thinking about harming his family.

Seth was grateful that Edward Cullen had been able to protect Brooklyn when he couldn't. He felt like a failure for allowing his imprint to walk into a trap like that. She had been in danger, and he hadn't been close enough to help her. He could've lost her— he could've lost both of them.

This vampire problem was getting out of hand. 

The door opened and Brooklyn walked in. Seth had been waiting in her room for her to come home ever since he got the call— which was only about fifteen minutes ago. She had insisted that it made more sense for her to come home than it did for him to come all the way over to Forks, only to turn around and drive her back to La Push. After a lot of persuading, Seth had reluctantly agreed.

"Seth," she breathed with tears in her eyes. He practically ran to her, and embraced her tightly. He didn't think he could ever bring himself to let go again— she was safe in his arms.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you," he said. Seth could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It's not your fault," she told him.

"My job is to protect you," Seth said. "I wasn't there, and you almost got hurt. That's my fault."

"You can't be with me everywhere all the time," Brooklyn responded. "It's scary, but things happen. There's no way of knowing when or where or how, so we just have to live with that uncertainty. But right here, right now, we have each other, and nothing is gonna change that. Can we just focus on that?"

"Okay," Seth sighed. He couldn't change what had happened, but he could change what the pack did next. 

His imprint needed him right now though, so the pack would have to wait. 

"Come on," he guided her to her bed. "Let's get you off your feet."

Being almost eight months pregnant meant that Brooklyn's back and ankles experienced a lot of discomfort throughout the day.

"Okay," she agreed. "I'm fucking exhausted."

They sat with their backs against the headboard. Seth's arm was wrapped around Brooklyn, and her head was on his shoulder. 

"We still haven't picked out a name," Brooklyn said. She knew that Seth wouldn't stop thinking about what had happened unless he had something else to occupy his mind.

"I like Leila," Seth said after a few moments of silence.

"It's cute, but I think having Leah and Leila in the same room would get confusing really quickly," she told him.

"That's true," Seth mused. "What about Olivia?"

"We already know like two Olivias," Brooklyn said. "This is so much pressure— like if we mess this part up, then that'll set the tone for our kid's entire life."

"We'll keep thinking until we get it right," Seth said. "Tell me some of yours."

"I don't know..." Brooklyn said pensively. "Maybe Gemma or Amelia?"

"Those are nice," Seth said.

"I'm not sure about them though. I think my issue is that I like the sound of boy names better," Brooklyn laughed. 

"We could name her Ryan," Seth said. "I feel like I've heard that as a girl's name before."

"I think it's nice, but people would make fun of us if we named our daughter Ryan," Brooklyn giggled.

"We could name her after something cool," Seth suggested.

"Like what?" she asked him.

"I dunno," he replied. "Like a movie or a song or something."

"It has to be a really good song or movie then," Brooklyn smiled at him.

"Well my dad already beat us to naming her after Star Wars," Seth joked.

"We could always name her Padmé," Brooklyn replied. "I think we should find a way to honor your dad with her name."

"You know, my dad always loved the Beatles," Seth said. "They have a lot of names in their song titles... like 'Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.' We could name her Lucy."

"Seth, that song is about LSD," Brooklyn said. 

"Okay, so maybe not that one specifically," Seth said.

"What about 'Eleanor Rigby'?" Brooklyn suggested. "But like, without the Rigby part. It's kind of a sad song, but it's a classic. And it's not about drugs."

" So, Eleanor?" Seth said. "Eleanor Clearwater. We could call her Ellie for short."

"Ellie Clearwater," Brooklyn said. "I like the sound of that... So, we agree on Eleanor then?"

"Yes," Seth told her. "We agree on Eleanor."

Seth waited until the next day to talk to Sam. He couldn't bear to leave Brooklyn's side after what had happened. 

"Sam, it's obvious that this problem isn't going to go away on it's own," Seth said. "The stakes are too high now for us to just sit back and hope the Cullens figure it out. That leech threatened my imprint and my baby. I won't let that happen again. It's time to take action."

"You're right," Sam agreed. "The elders and I were hoping that it the situation was mostly contained to Forks, and that the Cullens could handle it. But it's clear now that this problem is not as separate from La Push as we thought it was."

"So what are we going to do about it?" Seth asked forcefully.

"We're going to help the Cullens," Sam said. "I talked to Carlisle about it, and we think that it's best if the pack trains with the Cullen family. They know what we're up against, and there's no way that we're going to defeat the newborn army without them. When that army attacks, we're going to be ready." 

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