Chapter 18

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Don't go wasting your emotion

Lay all your love on me

Don't go sharing your devotion

~ ABBA "Lay All Your Love On Me"

Brooklyn was kind of nervous to sit with Seth's new friends for lunch. Sure, she had met most of them at one point or another— La Push was a small town— but this was different. Seth had obviously grown close to this group in the few weeks that she and him had spent apart, and while they hadn't really talked about where they stood in terms of their relationship, Seth was still her best friend and the father of the baby she was carrying. Brooklyn just didn't want to mess things up. She was still a little scared that Seth would break his promise again and leave her to take care of their baby alone. Don't get her wrong, she loves Seth and she's known him for basically her entire life, but he had left her without warning once before, and who's to say he wouldn't do it again? Brooklyn was doing her best to trust him the way she used to, but the circumstances were different this time around, and the stakes were exponentially higher this time— this wasn't just about her anymore, this was about their baby.

By the time lunch came around, Brooklyn was still a little nervous about eating with Seth's friends. She grabbed her bag and made her way out of the classroom.


Seth had been waiting outside of her class for her.

"Hey," she smiled at him. Just seeing his face made her less nervous.

"You ready for lunch?" he asked her.

She nodded, and he took her hand in his as they walked through the hall. 

"We've ever gotten to do this before," Brooklyn said.

"Do what before?" Seth asked her.

"Hold hands at school," she replied.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess you're right," Seth told her.

They walked into the cafeteria, and made their way to the pack's usual table. The guys were arguing animatedly about something when Seth and Brooklyn sat down.

"Hey, guys. Most of you have probably met her, but for those who haven't this is Brooklyn," Seth introduced her to the table. "Brooklyn, these are the guys... And Kim."

"Hi," Brooklyn said with a shy wave.

"Can I ask you something?" Embry asked her.

"Uh— okay," she told him.

"Which would win in a fight— a grizzly bear or a great white shark?" he asked. And just like that, her nerves melted away.

"Is the fight in water or on land?" she countered.

"Either way," Embry says.

"Grizzly bear," she says difinitively.

"How can you say that?" Quil exclaims. "Sharks live in water. If they fought in water then the shark would definitely win."

"I'm with Brooke on this one," says Seth. "A grizzly bear would definitely win. Even in water."

"Of course you're on her side," Quil retorts.

"No, I'm serious," Seth says. "A fully grown grizzly bear can smack the head clean off of an adult human. Plus they bite and have giant claws, and they can swim, and they can run like thirty-something miles per hour."

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