Chapter 39

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Can't say goodbye

You're prettier than anything I've seen in my whole life

In late July, in late July

I was so happy I could cry

~ Sir Chloe "July"

The horrific sound of bone breaking alerted the Cullens to the fact that Bella's baby was on its way out of her body— and it wasn't going to let something as insignificant as her spine get in the way. Jake rushed to catch her before she hit the ground, and the Cullens began to take control of the situation. 

Everything after that was kind of a blur. Jake only knew that Bella was dead, and it was that thing's fault. His mind was filled with rage and grief at the sudden loss of his best friend and love of his life.

There was only one thing left for Jake to do— he had to kill the thing that had killed Bella. 

The vampires made their way outside— they knew that the pack was coming to kill the baby. They weren't about to sit back and let that happen. They were going to fight. 

Wolves emerged from the treeline, and wasted no time in commencing their attack on the Cullens. 

Bella must be having the baby, Seth thought as he heard vicious snarls coming from somewhere in the distance.

Oh shit, Leah replied. Seth's hearing had always been scary good. 

We have to go. Come on, Seth.

Together, the siblings ran through the forest towards the sound of growls and thuds. They were clearly outnumbered, and Seth hesitated to join the fight. Ellie and Brooklyn flashed through his thoughts— he could die tonight, and they would be all alone. 

Leah took off running, and knocked Paul off of Alice Cullen, who was struggling to fight back. Leah had always thought Paul was a fucking asshole, and she was glad that she had finally gotten the chance to hit him. 

Seth watched as his sister aimed at Paul's throat with her teeth. Paul did the same, and they rolled around, fighting for control over the situation. 

After a few seconds of watching the fight, Seth quickly realized that his sister was in trouble. He had to help her. Without a second thought, Seth took of running in the direction of the fight.

His adrenaline was rushing as he leapt through the air, and landed directly in the middle of the two wolves that were trying to rip each other's throats out. Seth fought, alongside his sister, and Paul quickly realized that he wasn't going to win this fight, and began to retreat to join his own pack members.

"Stop!" Jacob yelled as he sprinted out of the house. "It's over. If you kill her, you kill me," he said as he inched closer to a snarling Sam.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me, Leah thought. 

What? Seth asked her. He still wasn't sure what was going on.

Sam lunged at Jacob, and Jacob quickly phased. Immediately, Jake's thoughts of his imprint flooded the smaller pack's minds. 

That's what, Leah deadpanned. Yet again, she was going to be surrounded by people who had imprinted, and their borderline obsessive thoughts would plague her mind. She could feel a twinge of jealousy surge through her.

Oh, Seth thought. Congrats, buddy?

Not really the time, Seth, Jake replied as he prepared for a fight.

"Jacob imprinted," Edward said to those who could not read each other's minds. "They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law."

With that, the Uley pack retreated, and it was finally over.

Seth could feel his wounds healing— they weren't severe, so it was a quick process. He let out a sigh of relief. He couldn't wait to get home.

He hadn't gotten to spend much time with his family, and he missed them so much that it hurt. 

Noticing Seth's urgency to leave, Jake gave Seth and Leah the okay to head home. Without a second thought, Seth took off running as fast as he could in the direction of his house. He quickly phased back, and redressed, before heading into the house.

He quietly made his way to his— well, now it was more like his and Brooke's— bedroom.

Unlike at Brooklyn's house, Ellie had her own room at the Clearwater house. Seth had never felt so glad for that until this moment. It was nearly one in the morning at this point, and if Ellie was in their room, instead of her nursery, then he would surely wake her up by accident. And if Ellie woke up, then Brooke would wake up, and he knew how exhausted she had been lately with his absence, and he already felt guilty enough about it without adding onto her sleep-deprivation.

Seth didn't bother changing his clothes as he climbed into bed. He moved carefully as to not wake Brooklyn up, but his attempt was futile.

"You're home," she murmured tiredly.

"I'm home," he replied softly as he pushed an unruly chunk of hair away from her face. 

"For good?," Brooklyn yawned she cleared the fog from her mind.

"For good," Seth confirmed. 

"Seriously?" she asked, kind of astonished. Things had been crazy, and shitty, and scary for a couple of months at that point. It was weird to think that it was all over— just like that. 

"What happened? Is everyone okay? You didn't get hurt did you? How's Bella? And the baby?" Brooklyn showered him with every single question that popped into her mind, and Seth did his best to answer them.

He relayed the entire story of the big fight, and how Jake had stopped it, and how Jake had imprinted on Bella's baby.

"I know that the imprint isn't, like, an inherently sexual thing," Brooklyn said. "But, I am so glad that no one imprinted on our baby. It would be kind of weird..."

"It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world," Seth replied. "At least we would know that she would have someone who would do everything they could to make her happy, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," Brooklyn said. "But, still. I can't imagine how Bella will react to that... You know, if she wakes up."

"She'll be okay," Seth replied. They both knew that there was no certainty to that statement, but Brooklyn appreciated his optimism.

She looked at him, through the darkness of the night. His features were glowing from the streetlight peeking through the window. He was beautiful.

"I missed you so much," Brooklyn said softly.

"I missed you so much that it hurt," Seth replied.

"We are so codependent, aren't we?" Brooklyn snorted.

"Yeah," Seth laughed. "Little bit. But you know what? I'm totally cool with it."

"Me too," Brooklyn said tiredly. 

With that, they drifted into a much needed slumber.


I'm so sorry for the super late update!!! I had summer session finals, and it ended up taking a lot more time and energy than I was anticipating. I'm really hoping that I can finish this fic before I start school again in a couple of weeks, but either way, I will finish this fic.

Thank you to everyone who has read this far! I really appreciate that!!!

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