Sasuke x Neji

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Ino: YUP

Sakura (breathes): wow....

Tenten: Wow that's hot.

Sakura: Hm. I wonder which dojutsu is more effective?

Neji: The hell?

Sasuke: What is wrong with you people.

Tenten: Sorry boys that's what you get for being the hottest in the squad.

Ino: Yup. Tough it out.

Ino: Also, can I keep this picture?

Neji (takes the picture): 8 trigrams 64 palms!

Tenten: Dammit Neji... you're so boring.

Neji: Please can we get the ratings over with.

Ino: 10/10

Sakura: 10/10

Tenten: Ten/Ten hehe

Neji: I have no faith in the human race. 0/10

Sasuke: Agreed. 0/10

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