With my 12/20 vision, I can't afford to lose anymore of the little I have left.

"Hey there, Sugar." Caden calls out as I approach.

I scowl at him. "Call me Sugar one more time, and you'll learn real fast where my foot will be planted."

"Hey," He raises his hands in defense. "I thought we were making progress here."

"Progression in annoyance levels tend to go up too, Caden."

"Well then, let's make the enjoyment levels skyrocket first."

"Is Atticus ready?" I ask, bouncing on my heels impatiently. I am definitely not here to flirt, or make friends with Caden James.

Caden eyes me before nodding. "He just made it to the rec room. We're going to meet him there for now."

"So how do you even know this guy?" I wonder, skeptically.

He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "He's my grandfather."

I guess that explains a lot, or at least the little I know. I wonder sometimes, the curious side of me, if the Caden I know is just the shell of a boy who hides away from everything and everyone.

Then I tell myself to stop because I'm just playing a game of chicken in a circle that will never end.

"Why didn't you say that earlier? It would've saved me a lot of stress." I accuse.

He shrugs, "It's not important. He would've done it anyways."

Watching him squirm, I decide to just take his word for it. Caden opens the door, motioning for me to enter first.

"Thanks." I mutter, walking in awkwardly.

Stepping into the large building, I take in the many different hallways, all seeming to lead to different sections.

"Down here." Caden motions for us to follow one of the many left halls, bringing us to a large recreation room.

The high ceiling room is empty, except for the grey hair man sitting at a large circular table by one of the many windows. He stares out at the world, completely relaxed.

"Atticus." Caden greets, walking in first. His face lights up, like a young child, as his grandfather stands to pull him into a hug.

Atticus looks over Caden's shoulder, meeting my eyes. I smile awkwardly, not sure if I should wave or introduce myself.

"You must be Charli." He offers me a hand, which I take.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir." I try my best not to sound stiff as he smiles kindly.

"The pleasure's all mine. Feel free to call me Atticus, there's no need for any formalities."

He motions for us to sit. I settle in a chair across the table, Caden following suit. I shuffle away discreetly when his leg brushes against mine as he takes a seat.

"Thanks for helping us, Pops." Caden smiles.

Atticus waves us off, "Anything to help my favorite grandson." He motions to the room around him. "Not like I've got anything better to do anyways."

"This was kind of last minute on our part, so I do appreciate it." I thank, gratefully.

Caden having a good idea is rare, but at least he used one of his three wishes on our project.

"I take every chance to talk about my piss-scary Sergeant." He jokes.

"Told ya." Caden leans back in his seat, smugly.

Sincerely, Charli DayWhere stories live. Discover now