177 4 0

August 17th, 2013
9 day streak

misfits95: what's up bone boy

sean6667: nm

misfits95: what's nm?

sean6667: nothing much

misfits95: oh

chat opened

misfits95: how are you doing?

sean6667: not great tbh

misfits95: why?

sean6667: my ex followed me on instagram

misfits95: why?

sean6667: i don't know

sean6667: but it's bringing up a lot of bad memories

sean6667: she was kind of awful to me

misfits95: how?

sean6667: it's kinda hard to tell you just one reason. she did a lot

sean6667: she cut me off from all of my friends and threatened to hurt herself if i didn't

sean6667: and she just continuously manipulated me into doing whatever she wanted

sean6667: then i found out she'd been cheating on me for 3 months

misfits95: that's awful i'm so sorry

misfits95: id never do that to you

sean6667: i know

sean6667: but it's fine, how are you doing?

misfits95: i'm doing really well!!

misfits95: my birthday is next week

sean6667: holy shit really???

misfits95: yea!!! i'm turning 18

misfits95: my friend ella is even throwing me a party

sean6667: that's awesome!!

misfits95: you can come if you want

sean6667: when is it?

misfits95: the 25th at 8 pm

sean6667: i think i'm free then!

sean6667: i'll be there

misfits95: really?

sean6667: yea! i'll bring you a super awesome gift

misfits95: what is it?

sean6667: it's a surprise!!

misfits95: okay!! i can't wait to see you

sean6667: me neither

sean6667: who's ella btw?

misfits95: she's been my best friend since 4th grade

misfits95: she's really nice and funny

sean6667: she sounds cool!

misfits95: yes she is

sean6667: who else is gonna be there

misfits95: i invited elliot, maya, alex, and jared

sean6667: wait you invited elliot?

misfits95: yes

sean6667: why????

misfits95: because i want him there

sean6667: he fucking raped you, mat

sean6667: and took advantage of you when you were 13

misfits95: elliot says he didn't mean to and he's sorry

misfits95: and were just friends now

sean6667: bullshit he "didn't mean to"

sean6667: you don't just accidentally rape someone

misfits95: well maybe it wasn't rape then

misfits95: i told him yes at first and maybe he just misunderstood later

sean6667: did you tell him to stop?

misfits95: yes

sean6667: and did he keep going?

misfits95: yes

sean6667: then he raped you

misfits95: well elliot says he didn't

sean6667: why would you listen to anything elliot says??? he's a rapist?????

misfits95: i don't want to talk about this anymore

sean6667: i'm sorry, i'm just really worried about you

misfits95: i'll be fine

misfits95: can you bring those edible brownies to the party?

sean6667: the pot brownies?

misfits95: yes the ones with drugs in them

sean6667: i don't think your first time getting high should be edibles, but i can bring weed

misfits95: how do you use weed?

sean6667: well it depends on what you're using to smoke it

sean6667: i can roll some joints, they look kinda like cigarettes

sean6667: you just put your mouth on it, light it, and breathe in

misfits95: can you show me how to at the party?

sean6667: of course

sean6667: i'll walk you through it

misfits95: thanks bone boy

sean6667: no problem butterfly boy

misfits95: i'm really happy we're meeting up

misfits95: i was really sad when you said you didn't want to

sean6667: i know, i'm really sorry. but i'll be at the party, i promise

misfits95: okay thank you

sean6667: no problem

misfits95: maya says she's gonna bring alcohol

sean6667: who's maya?

misfits95: my friend

misfits95: i met her through ella

sean6667: oh cool! i'm excited to meet all your friends

misfits95: i'm excited for it too

misfits95: i've told ella everything about you

sean6667: that's so cute

misfits95: thank you!! i think you're so cute

sean6667: ah you're makin me blush over here!!!

misfits95: good!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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