313 4 0

August 30th, 2013

sean6667: hey what's up

misfits95: i'm reading

sean6667: reading what?

misfits95: the great gatsby

sean6667: i kind of hated that book

misfits95: why?

sean6667: well for a few reasons

sean6667: i thought it was too confusing and dramatic. it's also really complex and i'm dyslexic

misfits95: i'm autistic

sean6667: oh

misfits95: i really like it, i like the symbolism

sean6667: yea, those parts were pretty cool

misfits95: i looked up o'keefe

sean6667: yea?

misfits95: she's pretty cool. i like the animal skulls

sean6667: me too

misfits95: do you like painting?

sean6667: yea, i do. i'm an art major

misfits95: oh

sean6667: what?

misfits95: i'm still in highschool

sean6667: oh. what grade?

misfits95: senior, i'm 17

sean6667: i'm a sophomore, 19

misfits95: oh okay, only 2 years

sean6667: yea, if you were a freshman i probably would've stopped messaging you lmao

misfits95: why?

sean6667: well i think that would be a bit weird

misfits95: why?

sean6667: since you'd be like five years younger than me

misfits95: so?

sean6667: so that would be inappropriate?? it's kind of disturbing to talk to people that much younger than you at this age

misfits95: disturbing like me?

sean6667: nah mat, you're a good disturbing. i meant wrong, i guess

misfits95: my ex boyfriend was six years older than me

sean6667: what? when was that?

misfits95: we broke up 2 years ago

sean6667: he was 21 when you were 15?

misfits95: yea

sean6667: that sounds kind of fucked

chat opened

sean6667: you there?

chat opened

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