136 2 0

September 20th, 2013

misfits95: sup bone boy

sean6667: nothin much butterfly boy, drawing

misfits95: what are you drawing?

sean6667 sent misfits95 a snap

misfits95: why is his dick so small

sean6667: asdfgjrbdbe that's just what statues back then looked like i guess

misfits95: that's disappointing

sean6667: indeed

misfits95: you're a really good artist

sean6667: thank you!!

misfits95: i wish i could draw

sean6667: everyone can draw, it just takes practice

misfits95: i guess so. i think i'm good at singing

sean6667: sing me something

misfits95 sent sean6667 a snap

sean6667: holy shit you're so good??

misfits95: really?

sean6667: definitely, you're like an angel

misfits95: you're like an angel

sean6667: far from it, but i'll take the compliment

misfits95: you should draw me

sean6667: send a pic, i'll get started on one

misfits95: really?

sean6667: of course

misfits95 sent sean6667 a snap

sean6667: love that smile!!!! i'll send you a pic when it's all done

misfits95: i'm so excited

sean6667: i'm glad, i hope you like it

misfits95: i know i will. do you like animals

sean6667: i do, quite a lot actually

misfits95: me too. i really like cats and pigs

sean6667: pigs?

misfits95: yea, i think they're weird and big

sean6667: interesting things to like

misfits95: i like cats because i get along with them well and they're pretty

sean6667: i had a cat back at my parents' house named Frankie

misfits95: was he cute?

sean6667: definitely, adorable

misfits95: i wanna meet frankie

sean6667: i don't think that's possible

misfits95: why?

sean6667: he's at my parents' house

misfits95: oh. well i don't wanna meet him then

sean6667: that's sweet

misfits95: i'm so excited to meet you

sean6667: me too!! could i ask you a question?

misfits96: yes

sean6667: so obviously this won't change anything, but i was just curious. how tall are you?

misfits96: i'm 5'8 i think. that's what the doctor said

sean6667: cool cool

misfits96: how tall are you?

sean6667: i'm 6'2

misfits96: wow!!! you're 6 inches taller than me

sean6667: i can totally use your shoulder as an arm rest to assert dominance

misfits96: i wouldn't mind that

sean6667: how have you been feeling lately? do you wanna talk about the thing with your ex?

misfits96: not really

sean6667: okay, that's understandable

misfits96: but there's something with my brother i feel like i should talk about but i really don't want to

sean6667: why's that?

misfits96: it's about the rape word

misfits96: i think he told me it means something different because he might've done it to me

sean6667: your brother raped you?

misfits96: well, not really idk

misfits96: he just touched me

sean6667: that's still rape. anything sexual you don't want is rape

sean6667: i'm so sorry that happened, mat. i wanna beat the shit out of him

misfits96: why didn't you call me butterfly boy?

sean6667: well, this is a bit of a serious conversation i thought it'd be inappropriate

misfits96: but i like it when you call me butterfly boy

sean6667: okay, i call you that, then

misfits96: thank you

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