204 5 0

September 15th, 2013

misfits95: sean why won't you talk to me

sean6667: idk i'm sorry

misfits95: it's hurting my feelings

sean6667: i'm sorry mat, i just feel rlly bad about friday

misfits95: why do you feel bad?

sean6667: i shouldn't have done that stuff with you

misfits95: i thought you liked it

sean6667: i did, but it was still wrong

misfits95: why was it wrong???

sean6667: i already told you before, i don't like having sex with people i don't know well

misfits95: but we didn't have sex

sean6667: i know, but i don't wanna lead you on or anything

misfits95: then you shouldn't have done it

sean6667: i know, i'm sorry, i was kind of fucked up and i wasn't thinking straight

misfits95: ok

sean6667: it won't happen again, okay?

misfits95: ok

sean6667: i'm sorry mat, seriously i am, i'm sorry i hurt your feelings

misfits95: it's ok

sean6667: hows your day been?

misfits95: it's been okay, my ex bf texted me

sean6667: the older one?

misfits95: yea

sean6667: what'd he say?

misfits95: he asked if i wanted to go see him at his apt tomorrow

sean6667: what'd you say?

misfits95: i said yes

sean6667: that's kinda sketchy

misfits95: why

sean6667: i mean like honestly i still think it's kind of weird that he wants to hook up with someone 6 years younger than him

misfits95: he didn't say he wanted to hook up

sean6667: don't you think if he didn't want to hook up he'd take you out on a date or something?

misfits95: no. he didn't rlly ever do that when we were dating

sean6667: what'd you guys do then?

misfits95: we'd just fuck at his apartment

sean6667: do you not see the correlation here

misfits95: you don't need to be rude

sean6667: okay i'm sorry. i'm just saying i have a bad feeling about this whole situation

misfits95: well it's not your decision

sean6667: i know, i just know first hand that older guys usually have something wrong with them if they feel the need to be with someone younger

misfits95: i'm just mature for my age

sean6667: did he tell you that?

misfits95: yea

sean6667: that's suspicious

misfits95: well you don't know him at all sean

misfits95: i know him way better than you do

sean6667: i know enough to see that he's a pedophile

misfits95: i'm not a fucking kid

sean6667: when did you guys start dating?

misfits95: 4 years ago

sean6667: so he, a 19 year old, decided to start dating a 13 year old?

misfits95: i'm mature for my age

sean6667: mat you were fucking 13, he was almost 20, no normal 19 year old should be attracted to a boy in middle school

misfits95: he loved me, it doesn't matter

sean6667: why'd you break up then?

misfits95: none of your business

sean6667: just tell me

misfits95: it's none of your fucking business, and you've said enough

misfits95: i'm gonna fuck him tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it

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