Train Graveyard

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Y/N, Tifa, Cloudia, and Aerith climb to the top after getting out of the sewers. Then a helicopter flies by as it was flying towards Sector 7.

Y/N: Just on patrol.

Aerith: Don't worry. We'll make it in time.

Y/N, Tifa, Cloudia, and Aerith climb on the ladder.

Y/N: We could get lost here.

Tifa: This is the train graveyard all right... A real treasure trove of scrap. Sector 7 should be just past that large maintenance facility over there. I vote we stay in the light so we can see where we're going.

Aerith: Dark, dark, everywhere...

Y/N: That it?

Cloudia: What? Expecting more?

Y/N shakes his head.

Aerith: It's deserted... and kinda creepy.

Cloudia: People don't come around here often.

Tifa: Not just because of the monsters, but... because of the stories.

Aerith: What kind?

Clouida: Everyone seems to think that the train graveyard... is haunted. "Those who lose their way out there in the dark of night will never, ever find their way back home again."

Aerith, Tifa, and Cloudia start to get creeped out.

Y/N: Is that right?

Cloudia: It's not like I think it's true or anything, but you know... it's just...

Y/N: Then let's hurry.

Y/N, Tifa, Cloudia, and Aerith climb the ladder to get on top of the rail cars. Then they climb back down getting on the other side. As they climbed down the ladder they saw the door open by itself and closing.

Tifa: Guys, what was that!?

Y/N walks up to the door as two cripshays appear but Y/N quickly killed them and he looked back the girls all hugging each other.

Cloudia: That gave me a heart attack!

Aerith: That was scary.

Tifa: I think I just heard a little kid... Did you guys hear it too?

Y/N: Why would there be kids out here this late?

Tifa: What? Then--

Cloudia: Stop! Not another word!

They walk inside the building and they crawl through the debris that fell from the ceiling. They walk inside the train car and they squeeze through the gap and they make their way through to the other end. They walk out of the train car and suddenly drawing appear on the ground and train track.

Cloudia: I'm gonna pass out.

Tifa: Shhh, calm down. We're all here.

Cloudia nods.

They all climb the ladder and they climb down on the other ladder to get to the other side. Cloudia holds Y/N's hand since she was really scared. They keep walking as they saw another ladder and they climb to the top. As they reached the top they were walking across on the train cars. Then Tifa heard something again.

Tifa: Huh? What is that!?

Suddenly the floor they were standing on breaks and they fall.

Y/N: You okay?

Aerith: All good... I think.

Cloudia: I'm good.

Tifa: Still in one piece here too.

Final Fantasy 7 Harem X Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang