Saving Kids

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Aerith: And these, right here, are my babies.

Y/N follows Aerith to the flowers.

Aerith: Hmm... Which ones do you think we should pick?

Y/N: Any of them.

Aerith: Aw, don't be like that. I know you have any eye for this kind of thing.

Y/N: What about this one?

Aerith: That's the one I gave you.

Y/N: Huh. It is?

Aerith: Nice try, mister. You can't fool me.

Y/N and Aerith piles a couple of the flowers into their basket.

Aerith: I think we still need a few more. Which should we pick next?

Y/N: These white ones.

Aerith: Good eye. People used to give these to declare their loyalty to one another. Interesting, right?

Y/N: I guess so.

Y/N and Aerith take a few flowers and they put it in their baskets.

Aerith: She said "as many as you can carry," so maybe a few more?

Y/N: These ones.

Aerith: Whoa, foxtails, huh? I gotta hand it to you, I never would've thought of that. It'll definitely take them by surprise. I think we're good now. Whaddya say? Shall we go?

Y/N: Yeah.

Aerith: No need to hurry. We're not under the gun or anything.

Y/N: I'm not cut out for this crap.

Aerith: Sure you are. And when you're done, you'll be drowning in job offers. So, how do you think they'll arrange these flowers?

Y/N: Dunno.

Aerith: Well, we'll soon find out.

They arrive at the Leaf House with baskets full of flowers.

Y/N: I'll wait out here.

Aerith: Oh, okay. But I might be a while. Why not check out the town?

She walks inside and closes the door. Y/N looks around to see many kids around.

Y/N's (thoughts): There sure are a lot of kids here. Maybe, Marlene, would love to be here.

Y/N decides to go walk around the town as he saw how lively they looked. Then a kid bumps into Y/N.

Oates: Ah!

Y/N: I remember you...

Oates: Where's Aerith?

Y/N: The Leaf House.

Oates runs off and Y/N decides to follow him. Y/N heads back to the Leaf House as he saw Oates and Aerith talking.

Y/N: Is something wrong?

Aerith: You could say that. Sounds like someone spooked the kids.

Oates: Yeah, two of 'em disappeared. They ran away after this creepy guy wearing black clothes showed up.

Y/N: A Turk?

Aerith: That's what I thought, but no.

Oates: It's this guy who's always stumbling around town in a dirty robe full of holes. They say he's sick or something. Oh, and he had some kind of number tattooed on his arm.

Aerith: I don't like the sound of this. I'm gonna check it out.

Y/N: I know someone who fits that description. I'll come with.

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