Chapter 28

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I spent the rest of the night on the couch worrying while I waitied for Noel to get home. My mind was racing. What if he didn't want a baby? What if he broke up with me? What if he told me to abort it? I then told myself to stop being so negative. What if he was happy? Plus, I have always wanted kids. It wasn't planned, but so many women want to get pregnant and can't. This should be considered a blessing. I rested my hand on my stomach and laid my head back. I told myself that no matter what Noel said, I was definitely keeping this baby. It was one in the morning and Noel still wasn't home so I was about to just go to bed when I heard the front door open. My heart started beating fast and I sat up on the couch. He walked into the room a minute later. He grinned when he saw me and walked over and sat on the couch. 

"How was the party?" I asked flatly. I was still hurt by how he had acted earlier.

"Fuckin' great!"

I could tell he was drunk. I thought about waiting until morning to tell him, but decided I couldn't wait that long and had to tell him now.

"I have to tell you something."

"What? You love me? I already fuckin' know." He grinned at me.

"No Noel. I'm pregnant."

He burst into laughter.

"Pregnant? You're not fuckin' pregnant." He grinned.

"Yes I am."

He looked at me for a second then looked at my stomach then back at me.

"Are you being serious?"


"Pregnant. I'm pregnant!" He grinned then giggled. 

It was hard to be mad at him when he was pretty funny drunk. Maybe I should have waited until he was sober to tell him.

He laid his head back on the couch and turned his head so he was looking at me.

"How many months?"

"Probably just a few weeks."

"3 months?"

"No probably not that far."

"I think you're about 2 years."

"Years?" I looked at him confused.

"Days?" He grinned.

I broke into a smile. He was so dumb when he was drunk, but also really cute.

"I think we should go to sleep."

"Nah. Sleep is for squares. Let's go to Mexico. I fuckin' love Mexico."

"Noel, we can't go to Mexico."

"Why fuckin' not?" His voice got high.

"Let's go to sleep."

"I fuckin' missed you tonight. It was gonna be special. I was gonna ask you."

"Ask me what?"

He started laughing.

"Nothing." He smiled.

"Come on, let's go to sleep."

I stood up and he sat there looking up at me.

"Just leave me 'ere, love." He said softly.

I hesitated then finally said,

"Ok. Goodnight."

I went to the bedroom and climbed into bed. I hoped he would be ok. Despite everything that was on my mind, I was asleep in minutes. I woke up in the morning and went into the kitchen to make some coffee then went to check on Noel. He was sitting in the same spot on the couch, asleep. I sighed then went to get my coffee. I sat at the kitchen table and drank it. After I finished it, I decided to go pack since we we leaving that afternoon. I packed my suitcase then went to check on Noel. He was still sitting on the couch, but he was awake.

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