Chapter 3

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I wore Noel's jacket on Monday. I walked to work after my last class and wondered if Noel would come back for it. I walked into the shop and Matt was bent over doing something. He was actually wearing jeans for once. I glanced at his butt and smiled to myself. He had a cute ass for being such a jerk. I walked over to him and I noticed the vinyls were back. Then I realized the music playing was not pop music. "Panic" played on the speakers.

"What's going on? " I asked.

He stood up and turned around and I was surprised to see it was Noel.

"Hi." he smiled as he noticed I was wearing his jacket and I felt slightly embarrassed.

"Where's Matt?"

"Gone." he shrugged.

"What do you mean gone?"

"I bought the shop from 'im."

"What? When?"


"And he just sold it to you like that?"

"I made 'im an offer he couldn't refuse." he smirked.

"I can't believe this. So you're changing things back?"

"I am."

"Oh my God, this is great!"

"Is my wallet in my jacket?"

"Yeah." I went to take off the jacket but he put his hand up.

"You can keep the jacket."

"No, it's your jacket."

"It's ok,  I have hundreds of jackets."

"Ok." I took the wallet out of the pocket and handed it to him.

"Thanks. I'm your boss now, so get to work." he smiled.

"Yes sir." I laughed and walked back to the back room to put my stuff away.

Jeff was already back there and the room was now empty.

"Hey, what happened in here? Where'd all the stuff go?"

"Noel got rid of most of it and moved some to a storage pod out back."

"I looks way bigger in here. Aren't you happy that Matt is gone and we will never have to look at his face again?"

"Hell yeah, and Noel's a cool guy."

"Yeah he is."

"He mentioned something about going out Friday night, are you in?"

"He did?  Who is going?"

"Me, Steph, you, Noel, and a guy he knows I think."

"Yeah maybe."

"You have to, it will be fun."

"OK, ok, I'll go."

"Me and Steph can pick you up or get you home if you need a ride."

"Ok." I smiled.

Noel walked into the back room.

"Can one of you vacuum, the couch is being delivered soon."

"Couch?" me and Jeff asked in unison.

"Yeah, this is gonna be like a little lounge. For us."

"I'll do it." I took the vacuum that rested in the corner and started vacuuming. Noel and Jeff left the room. I finished and put the vacuum back in the corner. I walked out of the room and saw we had a customer, who was talking to Noel. She looked to be about 18, her jeans were skin tight and her boobs were spilling out of her shirt. She kept laughing and I wondered what the hell he was saying that was so funny. I walked a little closer to try to hear.

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