Chapter 4

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"Hey there Mr. Rock star."

"Hello Mrs. Claire."

He set the guitar down and stood up.

"So I watched some YouTube videos last night."

"What videos?"

"Oasis videos." I smiled.

"Whadya reckon?"

"Noel!  You guys were great!"

"What can I say? " he shrugged.

"Your brother's pretty cute too."

"He's a good looking boy." he nodded slowly.

"Is he married?" I teased.

"He just got divorced actually."

"So he's single?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

"You're much too good for 'im, he's a cunt."


"He cheated on his wife and got some woman pregnant."

"Oh my gosh, that's terrible."

"Yeah, and he's never seen the kid, I think she's like three now."

"Wow, that is pretty cuntish."

Noel laughed.

"I wasn't really interested in him anyway. He's not my favorite member of the band."

"Let me guess, Bonehead?"

I laughed and shook my head.


"Nope." I smiled.

"Surely not the drummer."

I smiled and shook my head slowly.

We grinned and looked into each other's eyes.

"You guys ready for tonight? " Jeff walked into the room and interrupted.

"Yes." Noel said.

"Yeah." I said.

"I thought you were off today? " I asked.

"I am, just came by to see what the plan is?"

"Meet us at the Blue Tavern at 10?" Noel answered.

"Ok, see you guys later."

We had a few customers, but the night was pretty boring. Around 9:30 Noel locked the door.

"You closing early?"

"Yeah, me mate should be here soon then we can head over to the pub."


A second later Noel got a text.

"Never mind, he's not coming."

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