Chapter 2

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::: A year later :::

I stood leaning on the front counter,  staring out the window. It was 8:00 at night and I hadn't had a customer all day. I was working alone and had The Smiths playing on the store speakers. I sighed and decided to study my notes. A few minutes later I looked up when I heard the door open. A man walked in and I thought he looked familiar, but couldn't figure out where I knew him from. 

"Ello." he said as he walked past me.

"Hi. " I smiled.

He began looking through the CDs and I watched him. He picked a couple out and walked over to the counter.

"Do you only play The Smiths?"

He asked as he set the cds on the counter.

"Not only, no. But I do play them alot."

I scanned the CDs.

"You like The Smiths?" He asked.

"Yeah, they are my favorite band. Do you like them?"

"Yes, I own all their records."

The minute he said records I knew why he looked so familiar.

"Cool." I smiled.

I looked into his blue eyes and wondered if they had been that blue last time he had come into the store. 

"How much then?"


"How much for the CDs?"

"Oh sorry,  it's $43."

He handed me a black credit card. I swiped it and handed it back to him.

"Thanks for mailing that album to me by the way,  I fuckin love that album."

"No problem."

I handed him the receipt.

"I need your signature please."

He signed it and handed it to me.

"So you're from Manchester?"

"I am."

"Do you know The Smiths?"

He chuckled.

"I have met Morrissey and I'm good friends with Johnny."

"Really? You know Johnny Marr?"


"Wow." I couldn't believe it.

He smiled.

"Thanks," he looked at my name tag then back at me, "Claire."

I handed him the bag with the CDs in it.

"Thanks for shopping at Ruby's."

He walked out the door and I stood there staring out the window again.

The next morning when I went into the shop Will said he had to talk to me.

I stood by the counter wondering if he was going to fire me or something.

"As you know, business has been very slow. I need to tell you that I have sold the shop and today is my last day."

I was shocked. 

"You sold the shop? To who?"

"A man that was willing to buy it, he will take over tomorrow."

"Do I still have a job?"

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