Chapter 11 - Cod you please stop?

Start from the beginning

He looked astounded. "I mean, that girl got what was coming for her, but DANG! That was a ton of water!"

"More like two tons."

"You know what I mean."

Suddenly I began glowing pink and Chat stepped back. After the light died down, I had my legs back. I sighed in relief, walked over to my couch, and sat down. I put my feet up so my knees were next to my face and wrapped my arms around my legs.

"Whale, since this situation has scaled down, what are we gonna do about the water?"

I looked up at Chat in despair about my situation and his grin immediately faded. He walked across my room and sat down next to me. He wrapped one arm around me and rested his hand on my shoulder. I hung my head before I spoke.

"I don't want to hide all the time. It's all because of my clumsy self. If I hadn't ever looked dow-"

Chat interrupted me with a comforting voice. "Hey, don't talk like that. We all make mistakes okay?"

This is the first speed edit I have created with shading I actually worked on

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This is the first speed edit I have created with shading I actually worked on. It's looks rusty, but I though a visual might be better than me describing every little detail in words. Also, I didn't create the Mari and Chat part, I got that from another speed edit. Trust me, I'm not that good, so don't give me all the credit. Also, let's pretend Chat doesn't have his water powers anymore cause it was easier to take Mari home with normal powers.

His tranquil voice soothed my nerves and I took a deep breath. "Well, to my knowledge, I didn't bust the pipes, I just released the water. I could control the water to leave the school and go to the canal, but floating water look suspicious."

"Well, I could, like, be in the water. Then it looks like moving water comes from my powers. It's a Fin-tastic idea!"

I groaned. "Do you, like, look up these puns or something in your free time?"

He pretended to be offended. "Absolutely not! I don't leave it to salmon else to make fish puns!"

I smirked. "Can you do any Betta than this?"

He raised an eyebrow with an increasing grin. "You're not quite up to scale with your puns."

"Are you trying to gill-t me into making a better pun?"

"Sorry, my attempt at a joke was a piece of carp."

His widened eyes and smirk told me he was stepping up his game. "Marinette! Cod, that was bad, eely bad!"

"All I sea are bass-ically cod awful puns!"

"You may not like fish puns Marinette, but they are Kraken me up!"

"I'll bait these puns can't go on for much longer."

"We whaley need to stop now."

"I guess you've met your nemo-sis with puns. Have you thought of another fish pun or do you need some time to mullet over?"

"Not bad. You cod do better-" Chat's statement was interupted by a loud bang outside. He rolled his eyes. "We'll fin-ish this later Marinette."

I laughed as he left my room. I walked over to my desk and almost began to work on a design until Tikki flew in front of me.

"Marinette! There's an akuma!"

I mentally facepalmed myself know in Chat left because of the akuma. "Tikki, Spots On!" I transformed into Ladybug and one thought remained in my head from earlier. 'Should I reconsider and take Chat's offer?'

Wow... Just wow.... Why did I make a conversation that wasn't very punny. Oh Cod, I can't stop, something's wrong with me! This is getting a-trout-cious really quickly. Anyway, Chat's offer was the one from earlier chapters where Chat offered that Adrien would help Mari on the cruise if anything goes wrong.

🐞Bug Out!🐞

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