Chapter 15 - F-Freezing

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Story is here. Read it. Still hiding in a box from all those people that wanna smack me.

Marinette's POV

I finish putting together my travel suitcase for the week long cruise that we're going on today.

"Did you remember to bring lots of towels?"

"Yeah Tikki, I think I'm all set. Now I have about, what time is it?"

I glance over at the clock and jump in realization.

"I'm late! They're gonna leave without me!"

I grab my purse and suitcase and rush down the stairs and out the door, grabbing a muffin along the way.

I book it down the street and into an alley. There was no way I was making it on time by myself.

"Tikki, I know that you don't like to do this, but could you help me out here?"

"Yeah, sure! You try your best not to so I don't see why not."

"Great. Tikki, Spots On!"

Alya's POV

I look around, wondering how late Marinette is gonna show up this time. The entire class is gathered right outside the bus, as Mrs. Bustier goes over the rules.

"Hey Alya, have you seen Marinette?"

I turn around to see Nino talking and Adrien with their suitcases ready to go. I shrug my shoulders.

"She hasn't responded to her phone since yesterday, so I don't even know if she's going on this trip."

"What do you mean I'm not going?"

I jump at Marinette's voice behind me and turn to face her.

"Geez Gurl! Give me some warning before you sneak up on me like that! Where've you been? Are you okay? Is there anyone I need to strangle for you? Was it something tha-"

"ALYA! CALM DOWN. I'm fine okay? I just needed a 'me' day, if you get what I mean."

I stare her down, as she gives me a nervous face. 'I know there's something more, but I probably shouldn't push it right now.' I back off, but still keep eye contact.

"Mmmkay....I've got my eye you you..."

I turn around to see the guys baffled faces and laugh.

"It's a female thing, you wouldn't understand."

A/N - Unsure if I said this already but as a reminder, it's a week long cruise. And in case this was also forgotten, they're all 18-19 yrs old cause the cruise is a graduation party. Also, they're already on the boat now, thanks to a time skip brought to you by Bunnix.

Adrien's POV

I enter my room with Nino, grateful we were able to choose who we bunked with. As I tossed my suitcase on my bed, Nino broke the silence.

"So do you have any idea what's going on with Marinette?"

I sigh. "It's kinda complicated, and I'm also pretty sure she hates me."

"What makes you say that?"

I start unpacking and look over at Nino. "Do you mind if I rant for a bit?"

He nods, "Yeah, I don't mind."

"Well, she's been avoiding me for so long and barely talks to me. I dunno if it's cause of something I did, or something I did against my will when my Father forces me around. And he's so protective, that he rented an extra ship for himself to stay within reach of me."

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