Chapter 1 - Clumsiness

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Here is the Chapter, as promised. I have a really good idea for the plot, but I struggled with opening the story to that point. I also have 2 essays, one on A Tale Of Two Cities. I swear I would believe someone if they said Shakespeare's grandfather wrote that book...  Enough of my hard life, Enjoy!

Adrien's POV

I jumped onto my bed with excitement. 'My Father actually let me go to the cruise in 2 weeks! He also let me go to the beach with my other friends as a personal celebration, which is in 1 week!' I exclaim out to Plagg. "Plagg! I finally get some human freedom! That means I don't have to use you as often to get free!" Plagg was happy with me this time. "Yeah! It will be so great! I can enjoy my cheese, chill for a while, eat some more chees-" I interrupted Plagg when I saw what was getting me cold. "Not yet, a situation is rising among us..." Plagg groaned. "I hate transformations..." I threw a blue cheese at Plagg.

"Plagg, Power Up! AquaPlagg, Claws Out!"

Mari's POV

'I am so excited!' We took exams in Mrs. Bustier's class and everyone had passed. We were rewarded to a cruise in 2 weeks from today. Alya also planned a beach party 1 week from Friday, right after school. The school bell rang and I began walking home. "Tikki, I'm so excited for his trip! We can go swimming and sight seeing! I also can't wait to try their food!" Tikki poked her head out of my purse and giggled. "Don't forget to get me some cookies as well!" I laughed. "Of course Tikki I won't forge-" I felt my feet get cold fast. I looked down and saw water flooding the city. "Ummm...That doesn't seem normal..." Tikki looked down. "Oh not normal at all..."

I dashed into an alley and hit my head hard. "Ouch!" I rubbed my forehead, trying to get rid of the dizziness. "Are you ok Marinette?" Tikki asked. "There's no time for me right now, the city needs saving." I threw Tikki a blue macaroon. "Tikki, Power Up! AquaTikki, Spots On!"

Chat Noir's POV

By the time I left my room, the whole city was flooded to the rooftops. As I swam across Paris, all the civilians were wet because they swam to the rooftops. I eventually spottedLadybug in the water by some building helping someone get out onto the roof. I called out to her.


She turned and saw me. She finished helping the man on the room and swam over to me. I saw a giant red bump on her forehead. "M'lady?! Are you ok?!" She looked at me with confusion until I pointed to her forehead. She winced as she touched it and recoiled her hand back. "It's nothing Chaton, don't worry." I tried to ask her about it more, but she continued talking.

"It's Syren, she's been re-akumatized."

"Bet a pound of akumas that it was Chloe's fault..."

Ladybug rolled her eyes. "I have a feeling she is at the hotel..."

When we both got to the Hotel, we saw Syren on the edge of he water, looking at Chloe, who was on he roof of the hotel. I could barely make out what they were saying.

"Then you shouldn't have been so slow!" Chloe shouted. "It's not my fault you can't win a race."

Syren laughed. "I'm here to prove that you won't stand a chance against me." She controlled the water to go and grab Chloe. Chloe screamed. "Get your filthy water away from me!" She backed up on the roof, bu the water go closer and closer. Ladybug whispered to me. "I got Chloe, you distract Syren."

Sorry, I can't write fight scenes very well. I only write them if I absolutely have to.

One akuma attack and several puns later

Mari's POV

"Pound it!"

My head was still in pain even after the miraculous ladybugs. I have no idea why though. I grimaced in pain. "Sorry Chat I gotta go take care of something. Bug Out!" I didn't even see Chat's reaction. I was too busy trying to jump to my house. After I arrived, I closed the trapdoor above my bed and passed out.

Probably 5 minutes later

I woke up on my bed, with Tikki hovering over me in her original form. My head didn't hurt anymore. "What happened Tikki? And how did you get rid of he power up?" I sat up as Tikki flew in front of me.

"You passed out as soon as you got inside. I undid your transformation early, knowing something was wrong. I was still AquaTikki for 3 minutes. I had to help you though, so I used some of my ladybug magic on you. I ate all the cookie stash though, I needed energy..."

I laughed. "It's ok Tikki! Thanks for helping me out!" I touched my forehead and didn't feel a thing. I got out of bed and went to my mirror. For some reason, the injury was completely gone. I wouldn't believe I was ever there in the first place. "Wow Tikki, your healing is truly miraculous!" Tikki giggled. "Well, normally they don't heal that fast, but maybe you got...lucky?" I rolled my eyes. "Your puns ate as bad as Chat's!"

"Hey didn't you just make a pun though?"

"Yeah, but it was funny because I don't joke often."

"Me neither!"

"Good point...But puns are still annoying, no matter who makes them!"

Sometime around 10:00 P.M.

"And that's why Plagg makes puns!" Tikki exclaimed.

I was laughing so hard I fell off my bed. As I fell, I knocked my glass of water on me. I laughed even more. "See?! I'm always clumsy, no matter where I am!" Tikki began laughing at the sight of me. We were both laughing, until a pink glow enveloped my lower body. I panicked. "Tikki, what's happening?!" She shook her head. "I don't know Mari!!" I closed my eyes until the light went away. When I opened them, I was shocked.

"What happened to my legs!?!?"

Sorry about the shortness of the Chapter. I just struggled with getting the point across. I also didn't want to stretch significant events out too much in this book. Oh, I have a test tomorrow I gotta study for. It's got questions like "What's the tallest mountain?" I write down Everest. Then the next question, "What was the tallest mountain before Everest was discovered?" I put something random cause I don't know mountains. I get the test back and check the answer for the 2nd question and it's something like "It was Everest, just because it wasn't discovered, doesn't mean that it wasn't the tallest..." And then I just sit there contemplating my life decisions on choosing to take that class. Good luck to any of you with tests in the future, I have to go now.

🐞Bug Out!🐞

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