Chapter 5 - Close Call

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Sorry for slight delay, it's been over a week since this story has been updated. I live in the USA and school got cancelled for the next 2 weeks today because of corona. I will still take the online classes, but that means I can finish at my own pace, and have more time to post. Enjoy!

One week later

Mari's POV

I was walking home from school when Tikki popped her head out of my bag. "Mari! You have to go to the beach with your friends!" I immediately panicked. "Ah! I promised I wouldn't make excuses not to go! What about the water issue?!" Tikki calmed me down. "It's ok. You can just say you just ate some food, and keep eating food, so you can't swim."

"That's so brilliant Tikki! Thanks!"

5 minutes later at the park

I was waiting at the park for everyone to arrive. I packed extra towels and a swim suit so Alya wouldn't get suspicious of me not going in the water. I also brought a cooler of food and drinks for the beach. Alya was bringing games, Nino was bringing music, Adrien provided the ride. 'Wait, I'm gonna ride in Adrien's Car! I'm gonna make such a fool of mysel-'

"Hey Gurl!"

Alya was walking up to me with Nino. She had a bag of stuff while Nino had a bag of tiny speakers. I waved to them as they walked over. "Hey Guys! Why so many speakers Nino?" He looked down at his bag, then back at me.

"Oh! They can all sync up for surround sound and they are waterproof."

"When do you think we will get going?"

Alya responded by pointing to a black limousine coming our way. "I think this is our ride." I watched as it pulled up and stopped. Adrien got out and opened the door for us. "Hey Guys! Sorry I'm a bit late, had to finish up a photo shoot." We all got in the car and began the drive. The beach we were going to was the Les cerfs-volants de Dieppe beach. It was 1 hour away from Paris. I took the Horse miraculous with me, just in case there was an akuma while I was gone.

I was sitting by Adrien while Alya and Nino sat together in the back part of the limo. We all began to talk, and it was great. 'I said one sentence to Adrien without stuttering! YAY!'

This is the inside of the limo, so you can get a visual.

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1 Hour Later

"Mari, wake up. We're here." I opened my eyes and saw I was sleeping on Adrien's lap. I quickly sat up and apologized. "Oh My Gosh! I'm so so sorry Adrien...!" He laughed. "It's ok Mari. You were tired. We all got out of the car and walked down to the beach. I set everything up while the others changed in the bathrooms.

After they came out, I had set up a large blanked with weights on each end so it wouldn't fly away in wind. I had reserved the middle of the blanket for all the food and drinks, ready to be used. Alya ran up to me.

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