Chapter 3 - Powers?!

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Here is the Chapter, as promised, since the recent upload from my previous story was a short one. This isn't too significant, just explaining things so there aren't weird loopholes in the story. At least I hope there aren't... Enjoy!

The next day

Mari's POV

"Ok Tikki, I think I'm prepared." I just packed my backpack with 2 towels and 2 hand towels. Tikki hovered over to me with my textbooks in hand. "Don't forget your actual schoolwork!" I grabbed it from Tikki. "Thanks Tikki!" I put it in my bag and walked out the door.

After I got to school, Alya greeted me. "Hey Marinette! What's up Gurl?" I smiled back. "I just got up 2 minutes ago." Alya laughed. "Figures, you're always waking up late." I protested. "Hey it's not my fault physics is hard!" Nino and Adrien walked up to up. 'Oh Crap! I'm not ready for this!' Nino spoke first, then Adrien. "Hey dudette and Alya!" "Hi Alya And Marinette!" I started to respond.

"Hey Nino! Hey A..Adrien..How have both of you bee-"

*Ring, Ring*

The school bell 'thankfully' rang. I hurried inside to my seat, making sure to be careful of all liquids. I sat down as everyone else started coming in. 'Oh no, we are doing an experiment today...' After everyone was in the room, Ms. Mendeleiev walked in.

"Ok! Today we will be experimenting how fast water can freeze." 'Well, this proves my unluckiness.' We all got up and grabbed 2 tubes. I was very cautious as I brought them back to my seat, even though they were sealed with a lid. Everyone already had a bowl of water in front of them. "Ok everyone, follow the instructions. The person who gets the coldest ice wins an automatic 100 on this test." When that was said, everyone began working frantically, trying to to everything as fast as possible. For some reason after this started, Adrien kept looking back on me, making it extremely hard to focus.

After I had mixed everything correctly, and not spilling any, I poured the liquid nitrogen into the bowl. 'Please freeze, Please freeze, please freeze super cold...' The water reacted instantly, even without waiting the 5 minutes after pouring. It became a solid piece of ice that I could feel the cold from my seat. Everyone else started to shiver, looking around. Ms. Mendeleiev walked over to my desk with a thermometer. She poked it to the ice and it shot instantly down to -50 degrees Fahrenheit. She took back the thermometer and and went to her desk.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng, you win the 100 percent on the test. But how did you get it so cold, it only gets down to -30 at most." I began to respond. "Well, um.. I followed the instructions all the way though-"

*Ring, Ring*

Ms. Mendeleiev called for us to do our homework as we left her class. I hurried out the door to the bathroom as fast as I could. 'This is my free period, so I should be fine.' After I got to the bathroom, Tikki came out. I was freaking out. "Tikki! How did it get so cold?!" She flew in front of me. "Well, you wanted that free grade right?" I nodded. She continued.

"Well, were you thinking of it to become cold?"

"In a way, yes..."

"There you go! You can cool, and if I am correct, heat up things at will of thinking!"

I walked over to the sink and plugged the drain. I filled the sink halfway with water. I turned off the water, and hovered my hand over the water. 'Freeze' As soon as I thought that, the water became solid ice. I recoiled my hand. "Tikki, this just gets weirder and weirder..." She flew over to the sink. "Well, warm it up!"

I put my hand back over the piece of ice. 'Boil' The ice unhardened and began to boil and evaporate. I kept evaporating it, until I realized what it was doing. The moisture in the air came in contact with my skin because there were no vents in the bathroom. My legs began glowing and before I knew it, I fell over in the bathroom with a tail. *Thud!* Tikki quickly hid telling me someone was coming into the bathroom. 'Crap! Crap! Crap! I scooted over to the wall of the bathrooms. 'Please don't look, Please don't see me...' Naturally, I saw Rose enter and look in my direction. I closed my eyes, waiting for her response. I heard her just enter a stall.

I opened my eyes and looked down. I couldn't see myself. 'Am I invisible?'

Rose finished using the bathroom and left. Tikki re-emerged looking around. "Mari, Mari where did you go?" I called back to her.

"Over here!"

She looked at me. "Where?"

'Oh, I'm invisible. Become visible.' Tikki blinked as she saw me come back into view. I was confused.

"Can I become invisible?"

"Apparently so! Oh Mari, use your heating to evaporate the water on you."

I lifted my hand and concentrated on my tail. It began to steam, but I soon became human again. I motioned for Tikki to hide in my purse. I crawled out of the bathroom to avoid the mist in the air above me. When I finally stood up out of the bathroom, I sighed. 'This was going to be a long day....'

Guys, I need your help. Are my stories too long or too short? Please comment what you think about it so far so I can at least attempt to fix up my stories for ya'll. Oh, someone gave me an idea for a sequel to this fanfic. Go follow OwlWolf22091 for me. Thanks for all your support. Also, check out my conversations on my profile, it describes it better. I tried adding a link to her profile, but my device flips the heck out when I try to.

🐞Bug Out!🐞

A Tail of AdventureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora