The Archer and The Monster

Comenzar desde el principio

Venom: Wow. Two for two.

Katie: I knew you looked like a girl who can have fun.

Cat: I hope you can keep up.

You had so many questions. Actually quite a few. Why did you suddenly feel jealous? Those two seemed to be getting a bit too close. Not in a friendly way either.


You cleared your throat which snapped Felicia back into control. She noticed how close she was to Katie and scooted away to you.

Felicia: S-so, w-what brings you to New York? Just work?

Katie kept smirking.

Katie: Something like that. I felt like I needed a change of scenery.

You wondered what California was like. Probably like what you saw on TV. Maybe the next mission will be somewhere besides New York. Have you even been on a team mission? The A.I.M. base was just you acting on your own until Black Cat and Nadia showed up.

Felicia: Y/N?

You snapped out of your thoughts and found the two girls looking at you. You must've spaced out.

Y/N: Sorry. Just thinking about work.

Katie: Speaking of which, aren't you supposed to show me around the office?


Y/N: Yeah. Sorry Felicia.

Felica shook her head.

Felicia: I was just about to head to work myself. It was nice meeting you though.

Katie: Likewise. Maybe we can hit each other up sometime. I'm sure we can have some fun~

Now both you and Felicia were red. Was she really hitting on her in front of you? She looked to you with a smirk. Oh.

Venom: If thisss doesssn't lead to anything I will hate you forever.
You finally closed in on the tower which came as a welcoming feeling. Who knew that this would become your place of comfort after everything? The whole way here was mostly Katie saying things you either didn't get or things you got a bit too well. What the hell did YOLO mean?

Venom: You only live once. Ssssimple text talk kid.


Katie: So this is the place huh? Not bad. Definitely not as good as the one in California.

Y/N: There's one in California?

Katie: Not anymore.

You should probably ask about that later. You showed her to the elevator and used your card key to activate it. It was now just the two of you in the elevator. Alone. Very close.

Katie: You're girlfriend seems nice.

Y/N: She is.

Katie: I'm guessing she doesn't know about your, other life?

You shook your head.

Y/N: I prefer it this way. She's one of the only normal things in my life. It keeps me grounded.

Katie seemed happy with that response. Venom didn't even tease you. Maybe you're just getting good at this social thing.

Venom: I jussst didn't have a joke. Nerd.

There it is.

The elevator opened and the two of you stepped out. You showed her to the living room where you found Sam and Kalama.

Y/N: I'm back.

Sam looked up from the couch and saw Katie. He stood straight up and was in front of you in a blink of an eye.

Sam: Hey there. I'm Sam aka Nova. Space Super Hero and junior officer of the Nova Corp.

Katie looked at you unamused before shaking his hand.

Katie: Katie. Archer.

Kalama squealed and rushed over.

Kalama: Hey Katie! Long time no see.

Katie: There's my Super Hero girlfriend.

The two hugged which left Sam heartbroken. You were thankful he wasn't there her meeting with Felicia.

Katie: So where are the others?

Kalama: Off messing around. They'll be so happy to see you again.

You raised a brow.

Y/N: Again?

Kalama: Oh! That's right. One of our first missions was with Katie. It was back when it was me, Miles, Viv, and Riri.

Sam: So before I joined?

She nodded. Great. At least you didn't have to introduce everyone.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora