Oh boy-

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[Y/n]'s pov: 

We've been on our journey for a while now since it was now daytime pretty early in the morning and I was far away from the containers of candy poppy decided to put in the balloon since the stuff tastes like pure sugar and it doesn't take long for trolls to go on a full sugar rush, God those are the worst especially the first time poppy got hers... That's another story though I ain't telling yet.

I was bored playing with my white strand of hair twirling it around but stopped after directing my attention to branch when he said "alright. In a short 456 pages, i'm gonna know how to fly this thing."

He had a captain's hat on and opens a manual on how to fly the balloon and was ready to read all 456 pages of it till poppy approached him and said to him "ugh, branch, we dont need a giant, comprehensive manual. How hard can it be?" 

She procceds to snatch the manual from his hands and throw the manual off the balloon and i said speaking up walking over to them

 "you either underestimate the balloon or are overestimating your own control over it poppy."

She waves me off and says "relax [Y/n], don't you trust me?" i gave her a look that said 'No, not at all.' But she either didn't notice the look i was giving her or she just simply ignored me because she proceeds to walk over to the controllers and says "try one of these." 

She pushes a single button that quickly boosts us and i swear we were all over every troll territory for a few seconds before landing back where we were before and it triggered my 'fight or flight' mode so i panicked for a few moments before quickly calming down while the hot air balloon said to poppy "Alright, poppy! Easy on the buttons!"

She exclaims "sorry!" Before branch shushed her and asked us "what was that?"

We then listen and hear light snoring and look towards the cotton candy pile where the source of the sound was and walk towards it while i put my hand in my satchel gripping my non-extended staff in case they attack or something since this could be anything. 

Branch and poppy both move the cotton candy at the same time to reveal it was biggie and mr. dinkles covered in the stuff and i sighed a bit relieved and let go of my staff though the feeling of dread was still in my chest getting bigger and bigger by the second

"Biggie?" Poppy asks with a smile on her face

Biggie wakes up and looks at us "oh, hello. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You know how I am around cotton candy" he says to us rather quickly and I thought 'No, I really don't know. And I don't think I want to know either.'

Mr. dinkles was stuck to Biggie's hand and biggie says as he tries to get him off "oh, dear. Now look what's happened. Mr. dinkles got all gummed up."

Biggie shakes his hand really hard and Mr. dinkles gets flung out of the air balloon when he got unstuck and my eyes slightly widen as biggie rushes over to the other side of the balloon and we follow him to see he's luckily not dead but stuck on the side of the balloon.

"Oh, there you are. I thought you were... Oh. Right, then. we'll just be on our way..." He stops as it seems to click for him that we are not on ground but are in the sky and he panicked for a few moments before turning to us and asks slightly panicking and stuttering "poppy, w-where are you balloon-flying us to?"

"Were on a mission to help barb unite the trolls, and I'm so glad you coming with us." Poppy says excitingly while I sighed and thought looking to the side 'i don't think that's her intentions... I've got a bad feeling about all this.' 

"I did what in the who now?" He asked confused probably still trying to process all this information right now and in response to this branch said "hey, man, join the club."

DreamWorks trolls x reader (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن