Bergen town

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Y/n's pov:

When we all woke up in the morning I was the first to wake up and I did a quick morning stretch since it was uncomfortable sleeping on bumpy ground so after I finished I put my lilac leg warmers back on after they finally died and just waited for them to get up on their own though I could have screamed or just extend my staff in their ears which would kinda hurt I knew it was not the best way to wake up and I was feeling nice so I let them wake up on their own which took about an hour and just when I was getting bored of waiting branch woke up and 5 minutes alter poppy woke up and she was somehow pumped with adrenaline upon waking up and I asked branch how she was so damn energetic when she just woke up and he only shrugged at me as we continued our adventure to rescue [Poppy's] friends and we walked for about two hours when we actually reached the edge of Bergen town and saw all the holes that we used for our escape 20 years ago.

"So one of these tunnels leads to the troll tree." Poppy said as I was looking at all of the tunnels trying to figure out which one would actually lead us to the troll tree where our mother was buried so many years ago and branch said "that's right."

"There's so many of them, I wonder which one." Poppy said as she and branch looked into one to the tunnels and said "I don't know." As I looked at one of the tunnels which was the biggest and I said speaking up "guys I think I know which one leads us to-" I was cut off as a voice suddenly called out "choose a hole wisely." The voice continues "for one will lead to bergen town, and the others to certain death!" They tried to make their face echo as we all looked around to find who was talking and branch shouted "who said that?"

"It...! Was...! Me." A cloud guy appeared out of his hiding place as he walked towards us 

"Hey, guys, how's it going? Welcome to the root tunnels. Uh, I just wanted to warn you. One of these tunnels leads to the troll tree. And the others to certain Death! death, death, death..." 

He tried to make his voice echo as me and branch looked at him weirdly and poppy asked "do you think you can tell us which is the right one?"

"You bet!"


"No, that's okay, were fine, thanks!" Branch said as I was heading to the biggest tunnel but poppy stopped us both "branch, [y/n], they're trying to help us."

"I don't like the looks of him. I mean, who wears with no shoes?" Branch asked

We all look at him to see him scrapping his teeth

"He seems to know what he's talking about." Poppy said As i I looked back at the tunnels and branch looked at me and I looked back at the cloud guy weirdly for a few seconds before shrugging and said "I guess it's worth a shot."

"Okay, fine. which way do we go?" Branch asked visibly annoyed

"First, you have to give me high five." The cloud guy said then raised his hand 


"Oh, I love high fives." Poppy said as she held up her hand "I'll do it."

"Oh, I know you'll do it. But will he? All right, dumpy diapers, up high!"

I watched this scene unfold and branch refused "nope, I don't do high fives." He crossed his arms

"Slap it, boss."

"Not gonna happen."

"Party on the top floor."


"Little slappy, make daddy happy-" I looked at the cloud guy mortified 

"That's weird."

"Come on, just one little high five."

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