Chapter sixty-eight: Timothy

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Timothy glared at Mary. "Ellie is not four anymore. I know you still think she need your protection, but seriously look at her. Just look at her for a moment, think about what she's done so far." She said. "Ellie moved out when she was sixteen, sixteen Timothy. She left the safety of her home, to go to school somewhere else and do what she loved." Timothy looked at Ellie. Her dark brown hair fell just to her shoulders and curled just like their biological grandfather Jorgen's hair had, her green eyes searched his face, her mouth was set in a thin line, and her face was determined. He knew that Ellie weren't a little girl anymore, but she was still his little sister and he would gladly offer his own life if it meant that she would live another day. He knew that she was tough, determined, and stubborn as hell, something that had often annoyed him back when they were younger. He knew that people listened to her, but he still felt like he needed to protect her. As scary and odd as it was to see his baby sister look so merciless and pull the trigger of a gun ending somebody else's life, and then later feel no remorse at all, he still had a hard time letting go of that insecure little girl she once was. "Tim, I'm not that girl anymore." Ellie said as if she could read his mind. "I can take care of myself, and as much as I love that you care enough about me to beat up anyone that does anything bad to me, you can't keep seeing me as a little girl. I'm not a girl anymore despite the fact that I'm not eighteen yet. Trust me I find it just as weird and absurd that I'm not fourteen anymore." She said.

Timothy let out a big sigh, "Alright, I won't do anything to Kim, but I'll still have a serious talk with him." Ellie scowled at him, but she didn't argue. He could almost see the smile threatening to take over her face, although she hid it well. He left the room and walked towards where he knew Kim would be. He found him arguing with Joachim about something, "Joachim leave it alone. It's none of your business." Kim snapped. "I have every right to know! This concern the group, and..." Kim cut him off. "It is personal Joachim. You have no right to know when this concern Ellie and I." Timothy raised his eyebrow. "Kim can I talk to you?" He asked loudly before Joachim could retort. Kim looked over scowling, "We're not done." Joachim said. "Yes we are." Kim said with such finality that Joachim did not answer and settled on glaring at him instead. Kim followed Timothy over to an area where they wouldn't be overheard. "What were the two of you arguing about?" Timothy asked hoping he sounded casual. "Nothing of importance." Kim grunted looking out over the water. There was no ice, as they had made sure to keep it from forming in case there should come unwanted company from the other side. They needed the water to keep people alive and hydrated. Even if it was a long process to turn the salt water into fresh and drinkable water.

"Didn'tsound like nothing," Timothy said looking at Kim trying to read his face, buthe proved just as hard as Ellie. "Look Timothy, did you want to talk to meabout something or ask me about why I had an argument with Joachim?" he askedcrossing his arms across his chest. "Yes I wanted to talk to you aboutsomething." He said looking at Kim dropping the casual tone. "I wanted to talkabout Ellie." Kim let out a groan. "Not you too! First Joachim, now you?" Timothywas taken aback by his response but he quickly recovered. "Ellie just told methat she's pregnant." Kim sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You'regoing to beat me up now aren't you?" He asked. Timothy blinked, "I won't denythat I want to beat you senseless for doing this to my baby sister, but she waspretty clear when she said she'd murder me if I did." Timothy said. Kim snortedand shook his head, "So you're going to give me the talk instead?" Timothyshrugged. "Fine, go ahead. Tell me you'll rip my balls off if I hurt Ellie."Timothy couldn't help but laugh. "Have you had this talk before?" He asked. Kimstared at him blankly, "No, but I've seen enough of my friends give guys thistalk to their sister's boyfriends." He said. "Well then you know what's comingthen." Timothy said slapping Kim on the shoulder. He stumbled a little beforestraightening again. "And just so you know, I wouldn't hurt Ellie." He said.Timothy smiled, "Good then. You know what will happen if you do." Kim nodded clearlyrelieved. 

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