Chapter three: Gemma

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Gemma looked around the table at her friends and the three other boys. She had seen them around school in German class and sometimes in the hallway when they waited to for the teachers to unlock the classrooms. A gloomy silence had settled over the group, no one seemed to want to talk, they all knew what their lives would be from then on. "Well we're screwed." Lesley finally said trying to ease the sullen mood in the room. Ellie nodded, though barely noticeable. "I guess we should introduce ourselves." She cast a sideways look at the three boys, her eyes lingering longer on the one right next to her. Gemma got a fleeting suspicion and a smirk rested silently in the corners of her mouth.

"We'll start with you people." Daniel said looking directly at Joachim with a look that would have murdered him on the spot. He leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, "Joachim Peterson." Ellie scrunched her face, Gemma knew that she was thinking out alternative names for him, she always did that when she met new people, or talked about somebody and she didn't want people to know who she talked about, so she would come up with names for them like Helium, Cream-top and so on. "Devil." She suddenly said. Joachim stared at her, "What?" She scratched her nose and gave him a smile that could only have been fake. "Devil, I'm going to call you Devil." The look Joachim gave her, said that he didn't understand Jack shit. "Why?" "Because." "My name's Joachim not Devil..." He said flatly, Ellie shrugged and smirked "I don't care."

"Henrik Valdez..." The next kid said. Ellie cocked her head to the side and smiled a little, "Bowtie." She didn't even have to think about it, "Can I just ask something?" He asked. Ellie nodded "Why nicknames, and Bowtie?" She let out laugh, "Because you remind me of someone who would wear a bowtie, instead of a tie." Ellie turned her eyes to the last boy sitting next to her, her eyes glazed over and Gemma knew for certain who he was. She had to fight the urge to yell kiss him! "Kim Olson." Lesley, Cody and Daniel's head all snapped to stare at him, their mouths slightly hanging open. Ellie turned bright red and said "Cookie." Kim didn't say a word he just stared questioningly at Ellie. Instead of explaining the whole ordeal with alternative names for the newcomers, she continued with the name round. "Ellie North, Aka Queen Dolphin, or just Dolphin if you'd like." "Daniel Heathrow, I'm Wrath." He leaned back in his seat looking quite pleased with himself for some reason. "Cody Hawthorne. Greed." "Lesley Horny... Sloth." Ellie sniggered. "Yeah you're horny alright." Gemma rolled her eyes as Ellie high fived Daniel. "I'm Gemma Louis and these idiots call me Helium." 

Authors note: here you are, another chapter as promised! I hope you do like it, once I have published all the chapters the story will undergo some major editing as I have already edited quite a lot of the first chapters and have made big changes as my vocabulary and grammar has improved. I have changed some things and will be taking out certain parts as I don't want those to go up, I'll put up a post later explaining more about this and I hope you guys enjoy it. :) 

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