Chapter ten: Gemma

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Gemma walked down the stairs to find the others, she was getting bored of Lesley's bad perverted jokes and Cody trying to somewhat hit on her. He wasn't exactly handsome; neither were Daniel nor Lesley. In fact, all of them looked in some way like a truck had hit them, but they already knew it. The cutest boys of the group now must have been Henrik or Kim. Joachim weren't bad looking, but his personality and nose ruined it all, besides Gemma hated him. She knew that Kim was off limits, because of Ellie's crush on him, and who were she to try to ruin it when she finally talks to him. That's basically all she does. Though she had to admit, they are cute together and they would make some cute babies. Gemma sniggered at the thought and walked into the kitchen where Ellie had Joachim hanging against the wall by his neck, his feet barely touching the ground. Henrik and Kim standing behind her looking shocked. "Call me that again and I'll feed you to the next zombie we come across." She growled.

Gemma inched closer, leaned in, and asked, "What's going on?" Henrik leaned closer to her, not taking his eyes off the scene in front of her. "He started to call her Camilla constantly." Gemma pulled a face. "Never call her that. There's nothing she hates more in this world than being called Camilla, just saying for your own good." Joachim started to turn purple in the face as his hands tried to get Ellie off him. "Ellie let him go." Gemma said putting a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to stare at her. Gemma took a step back. The look in Ellie's eyes were murderous. "Ellie, calm down." She said slowly trying to look her in the eyes. However, it didn't work, quite the contrary "Um Kim, I think you should try." Gemma said slowly inching away from Ellie. "Henrik and I will leave and let you calm her down." It was the best option if they wanted keep their heads on their shoulders. Only one other time she'd seen Ellie like this, through the same reason...

"What?" Kim asked. "You're the one who got the best chance of calming her down." She said still inching towards the door. "Why me?" he asked confused. Gemma rolled her eyes and grinned, "Because she likes you. A lot." If only she'd had her camera on her right, then. Henrik started laughing at Kim's face while she just stood there enjoying it. "You should probably get to work, before she strangles him to death. I think a kiss would do the trick." He looked at Ellie for a few seconds. He put his hands gently over her hands strangling Joachim, "Ellie let go." He whispered in her ear. Gemma watched amazed at what kind of effect he had on her. She loosened her grip on Joachim so he managed to get free and fall to the ground panting and coughing as he tried to breathe.

Still in a sort of trance, Ellie let Kim pull her away from Joachim. Joachim raised his eyes at Ellie, fear etched into them as he looked at her. Gemma wanted to laugh at his face. She walked over again and grinned somewhat mockingly at him. "You shouldn't have called her that. So if you value your life, I'd just forget it." Henrik helped him stand up. His eyes still glued on Ellie who stood in Kim's arms staring at him. Her face hard like stone and her eyes glowed with a cold hatred that made chills go down his spine.

Daniel walked in with a baseball bat over his shoulder that dripped with blood, he grinned from ear to ear, like a kid on Christmas morning. "We got a car, I only had to kill four zombies in the barn!" He stared around him. Ellie stood in Kim's arms giving Joachim the deadliest look ever, Gemma laughed quietly at Joachim who were still purple and gasping for air, and Henrik just stood there shaking his head, like he couldn't believe what an idiot Joachim was. "What's going on here?" All attention was suddenly on him. Gemma were the first to register his words "YOU WHAT?" She shrieked loudly. Ellie next turned to him "I killed four zombies." He said grinning proudly. "Alone?" Ellie asked him. The tone in her voice were tight, like she used all of her strength to control herself. Daniel nodded holding up the bloody bat. Gemma wrinkled her nose at the foul smell coming from it. 

Authors note: Ten chapters! Now there's only a whole lot more to go, the past few chapters have been short, in general the chapters in this one aren't too long, unlike everything else I have in the works which will have much longer chapters which average probably around nine or ten pages in a regular word document ... 

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