Chapter six: Cody

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Getting around with the bikes proved easier than Cody had thought. Sure, he liked the feeling of driving a bike, but he was itching to get his hands on a car. Mostly he just liked having Gemma's arms around him. The sight of town made him shiver, not from the cold. The howling silence made it a thousand times worse to drive through getting to all of their houses. After a while they reached the place where Joachim lived, they barely got close when a shadow appeared in the window screeching at them and making horrible clicking noises as it grinded its teeth, almost as if it were hungry. "We're not going in there." Daniel said as another one came to the window. Cody looked over at Joachim who stood frozen in shock. Henrik poked him in the head calling his name serval times, Ellie tried to get contact with him, but nothing worked. Gemma pushed herself away from Cody and walked over. "Let me." She said pushing Ellie and Henrik aside. Gemma waved her hands in front of his unblinking eyes, poked him between the eyes. When it didn't work she grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him. He jolted into reality. Gemma wiped her mouth cussing loudly. She then lifted her hands and double slapped him. "Don't ever make me do that again. EVER!" she slapped him again and walked away.

Cody stared open mouthed at Joachim who looked so confused he almost felt sorry for him, as did the rest of the group. Ellie were the first to burst into fits of laughter. The group quickly sobered as they realised what noise they had been making. "We should get away from here." Daniel said. Suddenly Ellie froze and pointed down the street. "Guys. HURRY!" She said. They all scrambled onto the bikes and sped in the opposite direction, however, more were coming from there. "Through the gardens!" Daniel sped towards a garden fence and broke straight through making a way through all of the gardens. It was hard for Cody to keep up when he wasn't used to drive bikes like this, over lumpy grounds. Suddenly they found themselves racing over large fields filled with freshly harvested crops. As they reached a farmhouse they lowered the speed, slowly they inched towards the house.

Ayoung girl came lumbering towards them, her foot bent in the wrong directionand her face disorientated. She growled and snapped at them as she came in analarming speed. Daniel who at some point had picked up a large piece of wood witha nail in it sped up directly towards her and swung it at her head like itshould have been an ordinary game of baseball. He then backed up and crushedher head further. 

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