Chapter twenty-Four: Henrik

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Henrik found it a little odd as well as cute that Ellie was blushing like that. "Okay you do it like this and then kick it to life." Kim said showing her how to start the engine. It took her a couple of tries before she managed to do it. By then her face was so red, you could have mistaken her for a crimson tomato. "First time riding?" Henrik asked leaning against the bike. "That obvious?" She asked. He laughed but didn't comment on how her hands are shaking. "Um guys..." Gemma said backing up to the car. From the woods came more than one stinking rotten corpse screeching and clicking as they approached them. "Okay peeps let's go." Daniel said. Ellie's little brother jumped into the car, Cody hardly waited for him to close the door before he started the car and drove towards the road. They all followed his example, started their bikes, and sped away with dead people chasing after them.

Henrik stayed behind along with Kim to make sure that Ellie was doing all right. Her face was scrunched up in concentration. It was a face he'd seen before when they'd had German grammar tests. The corner of her lips was turned down (more than usually), she wrinkled her nose slightly and furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to keep herself steady on the bike. Henrik had no idea where they were going, but he just followed the others who sped down the empty roads. Soon they stopped at a roadblock that must've been set up shortly after the outbreak, because no one was patrolling it. Guns and dead people with bullet wounds in their head was everywhere rotting. The smell was foul and made Henrik want to gag. He took one glance over at Ellie. Her face had gone pale. Not a good sign he'd learned, but he could see that she was fighting her urge to throw up, "Can we just keep going?" She asked tightly. 

Authors note: Hiya guys! Sorry that I have been gone for so long and haven't been posting. It's been a bit of a summer tbh with you. I've been dealing with a lot and moving too, so I simply haven't had the energy to post. I'm back and I'm going to be posting quite a chunk of it! Hope you enjoy (: 

PetrATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon