Chapter eighteen: Lesley

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Lesley couldn't stop laughing as he looked down at Ellie, her face was priceless, and the fact that she'd gotten trapped under a fatso didn't make it any better. Once she was on her feet and could see her clothes, her face changed instantly, it went from horrified to directly sick. Her face turned paper white pale, "Get a bucket now." Gemma said, but before anybody could react, Ellie emptied everything in her stomach into a bag.

Kim quickly pulled her hair back, and Daniel sobered enough to hold the bag. However, that only made Lesley laugh more. He remembered that Ellie had mentioned sometime that she had a serious problem with raw chicken and meat. Somebody smacked him upside down the head, causing him to look up. Daniel frowned at him, "Okay you can stop laughing now." He said. He simply kept laughing so much his stomach ached. After a while he tried to control his laughter, it was hard, but he managed to do so.

Ellie sat in a corner pale and shaking with Gemma and Kim fussing over her trying to force food and water into her. The kid Aiden was helping Daniel who ordered him around. Funnily enough, the kid didn't even utter a single complaint as he dashed around searching for things. Henrik and Joachim was missing, probably in the back room checking for more stuff they could use. Lesley thought as he walked over to Daniel. "Oh good, you finished laughing. Here take this and try to find ammunition for it. He mock saluted Daniel and tried to do the same with the gun as the guard did. Daniel backed away and snatched the weapon from his hands. "Dude that thing is loaded."

Lesley pouted, something that didn't look good on him. (Daniel told him so.) He finally got the weapon back after he promised to be more careful with it. (Yeah, right.) and he hopped off with it searching for ammunition. 

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