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Today I woke up tired urrhh school. I dressed up and left the house I looked around for his car but it wasn't there.
Maybe he left early today and forgot about me since yesterday's events.
Why did I have to be soooww stupid . I quickly went to the bus station and went to school by the bus .
When I got to school he was not there not even a sign of him I thought maybe he will come late.
But he didn't it continued like this for a month I missed him Soo much and I knew I broke his heart .
I was just sitting in my living room when my mom and Aunty Mary came in and they were followed by Dan .
He looked sooow dead he had bags under his eyes , red eyes and he looked rather pale than than anything I have seen. It broke my heart seeing him like this knowing it was my fault .
I'm the one who said those words  . He looked at me with fear and hurt in his eyes . Then he looked away . I wanted nothing more than to kiss me . He came towards me but said nothing . He sat down and watched the movie I was watching .
" Honey Dan is staying here for a few days would you mind sharing a room with him." My mom said to me I was happy that he was staying at least I would get an opportunity to ask for forgiveness.
"No" I said at the same Dan said "Yes" I was broken into a million pieces he rejected me .
" Listen here Danny Poohh I don't care about your fights you need to get over this ok. " His mom said in a matter of fact.
" But mom-" he said with a sulky face .
" No buts Danny you are sharing her room or we go back home ." She said .
" Why can't we go back home anyways . " He asked
" Because honey we are in danger . You're bieng tracked both of you. " His mom said .
We both stared at each other until we ran into my room and locked it .

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Well we didn't run to the room . More like we where shoved in thrown in there. We sat on the ground none of us saying a word to each other.

" I missed you , you know . I tried bieng mad at you but it would only turn into how much I miss you . " Dan said and like that he started crying . I sat next to him and hugged him whilst saying sweet nonsenses to his ears.
" I missed you too Dan . I missed you more than anything and I reject saying all those mean things to you I -"  I was cut of by him pressing his lips onto mine. I think we have that thing in common were if one of of is saying something bad or whatever we cut them of by kissing them.  I was surprised at first but I kissed back later on . He removed his lips from my lips and down my collar bone and to my neck he reached my sensetive spot and started sucking on it .

Me And Him Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum