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It was our mothers they had the biggest smiles I have ever seen like as if knowing what was going on.
" See I told you they liked each other it was oblivious. " Dan's mom said to my mom
" Yàah they are a cute couple. " My mom said .
" Soow you guys did a bet on  us ." Me and Dan said at the same time. They just rolled their eyes.
." You better be using protection you two." Mary Dan's mom said . I could see the embarrassment in his eyes.
" You better make him get it or else he will live you ." My mom winked ohh God .
" Mom" we both said in unison they just shrugged and left us.
" Our moms are night mares ." He said.
" Tell me about . " Then we took off to his house .
When I got there I saw Daisy my other favourite person . I hugged her and I had to play with her the whole time when I was at his house . Like I didn't even glance at him this made him sulk .
He was now angry saying I don't love him like I love his sister. I had to tell him a lot of times babies are my weakness.
When he took me home he didn't even glance at my side . When I got home he didn't even give me a good bye kiss  he just told me to get out but me I didn't . We came by his car by the way . I turned to him and leaned in I kissed him with all the force I had in me . He pulled away and smiled .
" I missed you ." I just rolled my eyes.
" I would kill for you to roll your eyes again ." He said to me
" Really then I won't do it then. " I said to him. From nowhere my shirt flew up and he galped down on his saliva . His eyes where full of lust ohh God what have I done . I kissed him but he stopped me.
" I can't I will end up taking this to another level ." He said to me I knew he wanted me too be fully aware of it soow I just kissed him on the cheek and said goodnight to him.

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