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" But maa " I said frustrated.
" No  buts Shalina you are going to sleep with your sister no matter what that's final." My mom said . I looked at my Dad and he was just on his phone .
" Dad are you hearing what mom is saying.?" I asked my Dad
He just looked at me with that are you seriously asking me that question face .
" Fine okay I will do it . " I said in defeat .
" That's my baby . I love you. Now go and wash the dishes ." My mom said . I did my chores and went to bed but before that I called Shana after that I had to play games with my siblings. It was kinda fun though . We even made our own slumber party. I felt kind old though because My sister Brianna is 11 my cousin David is 8 and Lora is 12 . But it kinda brought childhood memories . So I guess I had a lot of fun.

I wake up the next morning to people whispering   . I tried to make out what they are saying.

" Is she really sleeping ."

" Should we prank her ." I heard footsteps and quickly sat up and waited for them to come.
When they came in all of them had water in little buckets like seriously . Then they're jaws dropped .
" Weren't you sleeping ." Lora asked me . She kinda changed because I told her how beautiful and nice she is.
" Ummm I should be asking you guys. 🗣️🗣️I woke up really early just because of you wispers couldn't you just talk somewhere else .?" I asked a little annoyed.
" We just wanted to have some fun." Ncowe David is so adorable I just motioned him to come here and I placed small kisses around his face.
" Naah it's okay I believe you." What I love babies soow what..
"Stop . Stop Shawe stopp.." he said in between laughs . I love this boy his always there to cheer me up . Lora and Brianna looked at me like as if I was crazy.
" What" I asked
" Nothing ." They both said in unison.

Something was up but anyways I had an important mission to accomplish .

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