Chapter 21 ~ To Cross a Gray Jedi

Start from the beginning

    "You don't understand," Ahsoka argued, "this is very important business. They know me."

    "Well, we don't. Please leave now, or we will have to escort you away."

    Ahsoka groaned and shook her head. This was getting absolutely nowhere. Suddenly, an idea popped up in her head. She wasn't sure if it would work, given the fact that they were Force-sensitive, but it was worth a go.

    "You will let me enter the Temple."

    It took a few seconds, in which was a time where Ahsoka's stomach grew uneasy as she thought that it hadn't worked, but they are stiff and replied, "We will let you enter the Temple." Then, like mechanical soldiers, they moved to the side and opened the gates for her.

    "Thank you. Your actions are important to saving the galaxy," Ahsoka said as she walked past them, but she was convinced that they probably hadn't heard her in their trance.

    Ahsoka took an anxious glance at the building that towered before her, but she ultimately decided to face her fear and go in.

    The second she stepped in she was immediately ambushed by memories. As she watched some younglings run by, she could almost envision herself with them, tiny lekku bouncing along. Then came the older younglings, who were quietly chatting amongst themselves about who would be picked as a padawan soon. Once again, a small illusion of the Togruta was right there beside them, excitedly joining in on the conversation. Ahsoka turned her head away and tried to shake the thoughts out of her head, but she was only met by human Jedi Knights that made her do a double take when she mistook them for Anakin and Obi-Wan. By this point she was torn between her desire to stay and venture through her old home and the want to leave because of how much seeing it was hurting her. Never in a million years did the Togruta think that she would ever feel this... broken. It was as though Sidious and Dooku had ripped her heart and soul to shreds and had kept some of the pieces. She just didn't feel whole anymore, despite the fact that she had Lux in her life.

    Who will I tell? Obi-Wan and Anakin already know me... so maybe Barriss?

    Ahsoka stopped herself. Maybe she could use her master and Obi-Wan's knowledge to her advantage? If they knew that she was... well... Ahsoka... then they'd probably be more inclined to follow through with what she asked of them.

    Since she couldn't just walk up to some random Jedi Knight and ask where the two men were, she decided to reach into her memory and seek out their signatures. She finally caught wind of one that was closer to her: Obi-Wan's. Apparently Anakin was hanging out with the 501st.

    Ahsoka wove her way through the halls of the Temple, following the flicker of energy that the Jedi Master's presence gave off. She eventually found herself standing in front of his chambers, special suites that were issued to Jedis of his ranking. Without a second thought, she raised her hand up, curled it into a fist, and knocked on his door. She assumed that barging in by using the Force could possibly be a little bit dangerous.

    "Come in," a muffled voice yelled from behind the door, in a direction which Ahsoka guessed was the opposite side of the door.

    With the twitch of her fingers, the doors slid open and she walked in. Sure enough, the one and only Obi-Wan Kenobi was sitting on a chair, reading through some files. After a quick glance using the Force, she saw that they were statistics and numbers from some recent battles that she was unfamiliar with.

    "Do I know you?" Obi-Wan asked as he looked up at her in confusion. Ahsoka was shocked at first, thinking that he was messing with her, but then remembered that she was wearing a hood.

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