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Knock, knock.

One knock on a door can change an entire life. One knock can save a life. One knock can also destroy a life.

Cassidy wiped her wet hands on an apron and hurried to the front door. The broth had ten more minutes to cook before she could finally eat lunch. She should have started to cook earlier but her new novel had her so engrossed, lunch had been the last thing on her mind. Thankfully, her belly had reminded her by grumbling so loud, it had scared her cat that was sitting next to her. An image of Meow's terrified face popped into her head as she walked to the door making her chuckle.

Cassidy opened the door and looked at the two men that were standing on her doorstep. She was sure she didn't know them. At least she thought she was sure; remembering people's faces wasn't something she was good at. Her smile left her face as confusion filled her mind.

One was clearly older, judging by the greying in his hair. His shirt was tight around his bulging midsection and there was a small stain at his breast pocket that looked liked he had left a pen open. His face was wrinkled but his eyes were sharp. They scanned the surroundings and bored into Cassidy making her feel a bit uncomfortable.

The other man was younger, probably mid-twenties. He was dressed in jeans and a blue shirt – a warm blue. One that reminded Cassidy of a summer sky. She really missed summer. Autumn was brutal with its cold winds. It looked as though it was brutal for the man as well. His nose was red, and his dark brown hair was blown in all directions. His eyes were a soft brown that looked like molten chocolate. His features were hard and there was a small scar above his left brow.

She didn't open the door fully and stood with a piece of her body behind the frame. It didn't hurt to be cautious.

"Can I help you?" she asked them.

"Are you Cassidy Monte?" the older man questioned.

How did they know her name?

"Who are you?" she asked, instead of answering.

They both reached into their jackets, making her tense immediately but they only pulled out their wallets.

"We're detectives at the Mayberry Police Station. I'm Detective Wyatt Long and this is Detective John Johnson," the younger of the two men answered.

They both showed her their badges. They held them up long enough so she could take a good look at it. Not like she could distinguish between real and fake. However, she could clearly see the words Mayberry Police and some ID numbers on them.

"How can I help you?" she asked.

Her mind was racing. Why were detectives at her house? Had she done something wrong recently? She didn't think so. She had paid her speeding tickets. And she hadn't robbed anywhere lately. Not that she had ever robbed somewhere.

"You are Cassidy Monte?" Detective Wyatt queried.

"I am," she answered. "But what is this about?"

Panic was beginning to settle in her stomach.

"Do you know someone named Rose Monte?" Detective Johnson asked.

Cassidy's heart dropped. She staggered back a step. She couldn't remember the last time she had heard someone mention that name.

Did these two men know Rose? Could they help her find Rose? After all these years.

"I do. She's my sister. Why do you ask?" she answered softly.

Her heart was galloping away while her hands turned clammy. She was still in a state of shock, but she didn't miss the look that was shared between the two men.

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