Soviet Union x Reader - Forever Pt.2

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A soft sensation brushed against (Y/n)'s cheek, but the girl was not willing to open her eyes. The sensation continued, though this time she felt it with both of her cheeks.

"Wake up зайка."

She loved that nickname. Soviet loved to call her silly little nicknames, and зайка was her favorite. The word sounded so smoothing and gentle with his strong voice.

"5 more minutes Soviet..." She spoke with a soft voice, and turned her back against the ghost. It had been months ever since Soviet started staying at her house, and waking her up had become a daily routine of Soviet.

"Нет! You cannot sleep. You will be late!" Soviet chided, as he pulled the sheets away from the girl with force. Freezing air came in contact with (Y/n)'s skin, piercing through her body and sent shivers down her spine.

"Noooo… Why did you do this to me Soviet…?" She whined, but roused from her slumber anyway. She sat up, and covered her arms with her hands, moving up to down as to keep herself warm without her cozy bed.

During his stay, Soviet improved his broken English to a level with correct usage of grammar and wordings. His learning progress was truly impressive, or rather horrific, judging at the rapid development he had in only a few months.

"Hey Soviet." She yawned, as the ghost turned his gaze onto the girl. (Y/n) extended her arm shamelessly, offering a hug for the ghost, and said "I'm cold."

Soviet sighed deeply, before floating his way to the girl and hugged her. The girl happily hugged back, even being a ghost, he was warm.

These little acts often made the little girl smile from ear to ear, she felt that her heart was smiling at the sensation as well. He was the one who cared for her all these years, no matter the past, she wanted him as a part of her family.

(Y/n) assumed he was not a ghost, but something far, yet close to a ghost's existence. Soviet never told her about his past, his life before he was stuck in such a state.



"When was the last time you took a proper shower?"

"Uh... two days ago." She lied, she felt her body shook.

"I know you're lying. I want the truth." Soviet stated, as he pulled away from the hug and locked his eye with the girl.

She gulped, eyes shooting everywhere but his eye. Her thoughts struggled for a moment, and finally gave up on playing dumb.

"Four days."

"For my sake, please, take a quick shower before you leave this house. Now go!"

(Y/n) grabbed her needed items before she hurried her way to the bathroom, tripping and falling for a few good times until she reached her destination.

Soviet was not able to interact with anything at (Y/n)'s house at first. He discovered this peculiar phenomenon only after a week of staying, when he attempted to sit on the couch again.

Weeks later, he was able to interact with the girl who welcomed him to stay at her place. His first attempt was to grab the girl's attention when she was not paying attention to him but to the small box called a 'phone'.

He grabbed the girl's arm gently, and he was surprised by the fact that he was able to touch her.

(Y/n) was, definitely, so astounded by the sudden touch that she let out an unholy screech and yeeted her phone straight at Soviet's face.


That left a tiny trauma to Soviet for some long weeks, until he was able to touch the girl's phone and discovered the wonders of the world.

"Soviet! I'm ready!" He heard a distanced voice upstairs, as rapid footsteps quickly followed behind closely.

"Are you sure... that you want to follow me to school today?" The girl questioned when she reached the door. She hoped that the trio wouldn't bother her today, because Soviet had been insisting to follow her to school after he saw her bruises and scratches a few times when she came home from school.

She tried to hide it from him, but Soviet seemed to know what was going on without any particular clues. She could still recall that one time when he asked about the wounds and all the first aids she bought when she went to the mart. He shut himself when (Y/n) told him it was no big deal, but he knew from the very beginning, as if it was his instincts.

"I will always be here and protect you зайка."

That was what he promised when she broke down mentally and cried on his shoulder after a nightmare. Soviet didn't know much about the girl at first, but he was touched that she welcomed a being like him to stay at her place.

The longer he stayed, the more he wanted to protect her. His зайка, was so precious and pure, yet she had to suffer all the pain all by herself, for all these years, helpless and lonely.

He was aware of what was going on at her school, the fact that she was able to see Soviet was worth mentioning. His suspicious was settled at the time when she came home with a bruised face and a twisted arm, and he would never, ever forgive whoever did that to his зайка.

"I'm certain. Lead the way зайка." He was certain that he'd have some fun today.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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