America x Reader - Squishy

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  "In the flash of love's light, we dared to be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we were, and would ever be. Yet it was only love which set us free."

  "Victoria, don't leave me!"

  "Farewell, my general. I love you."


  "Isn't this beautiful, America?" (Y/n) asked, snuggling into the American's chest gently.

  "Y-yeah..." America replied.

  America rubbed his sore under his shades, he couldn't stop his tears from shredding down onto his cheek.

  He was binge-watching a series with his dearest girlfriend (Y/n), at his place on a fine Saturday.

  He wasn't a fan of tragedies, because he always cried his eyes out until it dried out completely.

  If it wasn't for his lovely (Y/n) he probably wouldn't watch one in decades.

  "Babe are you crying again?" The girl sat up from his lap, gently stroking his cheek.

  "No, why would I?" America scoffed, crossing his arms at the girl. His shades were the only item that could veil his tears from the truth, but the girl knew him.

  (Y/n) pulled down his shades, America didn't even try to protest, revealing his shimmering blue eyes with tears holding still at his corner.

  They stared at each other for a long period, eventually the girl pecked America's lips lightly, breaking their eye contacts.
  (Y/n) grinned at America sheepishly, while he turned his head away. He felt his face was replaced with a chessy blush.

  "By the way, America. I felt like you have been a bit more..." The girl stopped, finding for the correct word to continue, "Squishy?"

  "Wha...?" America did a double take to process what his girlfriend has just told him. This was rather the refreshing news, but this was truth.

  The truth that he would never want to know. The truth, that he hated the most.

  "Will you ever quit having hamburgers as your lunch? It's really unhealthy." Germany complained, "Plus the oil and sauces stained my documents! How am I supposed to work?"

  "Bro it's just a tiny stain, who cares about it anyway?" America chuckled, taking another bite on the hamburger.

  "Well I care!" Germany yelled back at America, glancing at him, pissed by his casual attitude towards work.

  "Well sorry. But even if this is unhealthy, this is the best food on the world, so I won't give it up until I die." He chewed, some of the crips were falling onto his stomach slightly.

  Germany couldn't stand a company who kept smudging his office with hamburgers everywhere, so he shooed America out.

  Compared with other countries, America was always the heaviest. He couldn't blame it because this was most likely his own fault. He made himself into such a worthless state.

  He never was able to keep up with Austria when running with him, he felt exhausted already for only running two minutes.

  He never tried to drink any tea with Britian back to those old tea parties, he refused to let the bitterness drive into his sweet sensations.

  He never tried to work like a workaholic like Germany and China, instead just laughing at them when they looked exhausted and the dark circles were visible.

  He was confused. Was he supposed to be this fat? Should he tell his beloved girlfriend though? Would she hate it?

  "Babe? You okay?" America was snapped back to the reality, realizing that his eyes were swelling with tears.

  "Y-yes, I'm fine..." He simply said, and reached out for the popcorn, but stopped in the air when his elbow brushed at his stomach.

  "Is there something wrong? You aren't eating your popcorn, do you not like butter and salt?" She asked, her hands were put on her boyfriend's stomach to reach for a soft kiss, that's when (Y/n) and America both froze their movements.

  "Ame...? Is that... your stomach?" She asked, her hands began fumbling around the surface, but was cut off when America forcefully shoved her away.

  "Stop it! God, (Y/n)! Don't look at me!" America shrieked in fear, he stood up from the couch, backing up a few steps.

  "Why? Ame, what's wrong?" The girl asked, concerned for her precious lover.

  America stood still, silence laid on his skin like a poison. It seeped into his blood and paralyzed his heart, his pupils became soaked and there was a tremor in his hands. 

  "I... I am not worth your love, (Y/n)," He stated, "look at me, hun. What do you think of this body?" America yanked his shirt away, revealing his chubby, large stomach.

  "I think it's perfect." (Y/n) declared, without any hesitation. America glanced at the girl, her face has the softest smile that America had ever seen, it was warming his heart, melting it to be precise.

  "The world has many beauties: some are lilies, jasmines, irises, roses; some were just simple, plain flowers; none of them attracts me." She said, stopped as she petted the couch to motion America to sit beside her.

  America obeyed, without a word. "It was your joyful smile that attracted me, and your sparkling eyes when you took off your shades." (Y/n) smiled at America again, holding one of America's hand firmly.

  "It was like lightening had struck me, it was like a saviour had appeared to me. It was you and your love that made me what I am today, love." She expressed, and went close to America's ear.

  "It doesn't matter how you looked, what matters is how you are. Don't judge a book by it's cover, that's what you taught me right?" the girl whispered softly, her breath tickled slightly.

  (Y/n)' face went back to face America, whose eyes were filled with tears, shinning in the corner.

  Their face were dead close, before she could withdraw her mind from its places, her arms managed to lock around America's torso. She felt the rush of heat waves began to crawl onto her, her arm, her legs, then her face.

  The quiet face of the American was blurred and drowned to nothingness. He bent her head back with his hand and kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift moment it became heated.

  They both parted after a few fine moments, both lacking the air. The departure sent shivers down their spines, they both needed each other, desperately.

  "I love you, no matter how much you have changed, you are always my little squishy toy." (Y/n) said, giving America one last kiss.

  "I love you too, my cinnamon." he said, as he kissed back.


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