Chapter 19 ~ The Fight of Corruption Part 4

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Ahsoka was fighting to the death with Atroci. Of course, Ahsoka had the advantage here, given that the monster couldn't kill her, but it was difficult either way. However, the crack that Obi-Wan had made and Anakin had widened was beginning to pay off. It was only a matter of time before Ahsoka could break free of the chains that she had worn the last few years.

"Ahsoka, I need you to do this for me," she heard Anakin say as he was growing tired and his movements were slow, "I need you to destroy the Dark Side. You're still in there, I know it."

Artoci hesitated for a moment, but strengthened her attacks. In no time at all, she had managed to Force push Anakin back. Now, he was laying on the ground, breathless, as Atroci towered over top of him. She cackled evilly and raised her white bladed lightsabers up, poising to strike. Anakin sighed and bowed his head. It was over. Ahsoka had lost. Now, it was time for him to kiss his life goodbye and hope that Padme would make it okay in the galaxy without him.

He focused on his breathing and extinguished his nerves. There was no need to be scared. There is no death, there is only the Force...

Suddenly, a loud clanging sound echoed through the air. He felt the air brush quickly past him as the ground vibrated with a thud.

Anakin peeked his eyes open to see Ahsoka on her knees beside him, breathing heavily. It looked like she had just run a marathon across a whole entire planet. Beside her were her lightsabers, undisturbed and powered off.

"You did it, Snips. You really did," Anakin praised, sitting up. He studied Ahsoka more now, given that her hood had slumped off. Time really had changed her. The Togruta's face was more refined, giving off the sense of maturity, and her lekku were a beautiful length. She had grown so much since the last time that they had seen each other.

That one night on Lothal...

It seemed so far away now. In retrospect, it was. Several years was indeed no matter to joke about.

However, the more he looked at her, the more of the negative effects of the past years had on her shone through. Take for example, the dark circles underneath her eyes, or the look in her features of a woman that had seen too much. Been through too much. Done too much.

Anakin went to lay a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but she flinched and squirmed away. Pity fell on his face as she pivoted her head to look at him, her brilliant blue eyes were filled with fear. What had happened to her since he had last seen her? What had Dooku done to his padawan?

"I'm sorry Anakin," she whispered, grabbing her lightsabers up off the ground and standing up, "we'll meet again. But today is not the day."

It pained Ahsoka to say this. She was finally standing in front of Anakin after her years of longing, but she knew she couldn't stay. She had a job to do. And, unfortunately for her, she would not be able to see her friends until that mission was accomplished.

"Please don't go," Anakin hoarsely cried, "I just got you back. I don't want to lose you again."

"I will return," Ahsoka assured him, her voice not lacking of cracks either, "I promise you."

With that, the emotion-filled Togruta ran off into her cruiser, only to take off and slip away from a crying Jedi Knight's sight.


Ahsoka didn't know where to go. She couldn't go back to Sith base, obviously, because she would just be asking for death. She couldn't go back to the Temple, either. There would be far too many questions asked, and for now, she just needed to make sure that she redeemed herself by finishing what she had started those years ago.

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